Hit and Run
Hit and Run
R | 13 January 2009 (USA)
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A young woman tries to cover up a deadly hit and run accident, only to have the supposedly dead victim come back to terrorize her.

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Jeffrey Burton

This movie starts like hellfire and then goes straight off the rails. There's a cool opening sequence with some nice Steadicam work, followed by a real nice title sequence that prepares you for a 60's style, B movie, 'Macon County Line' sort of romp. Then it all goes straight down hill. The makeup is amateurish and the plot gets more ridiculous as the movie goes on. The direction gets very bad and doesn't make much sense visually or otherwise. The acting is serviceable except for the main 'bad guy' who mugs it up to such an annoying extent, he takes you out of the movie. It's really odd because it's Kevin Corrigan. He's a veteran actor who appears to be a Scorsese favorite. Speaking of directing, after the first 10 minutes IT SUCKS. It's almost as if someone was hired to do the movie, found out they weren't going to get paid and someone brought in this Enda person with no movie credits to finish the film. All the favorable reviews date back from the release and I'm sure they were done by cast and crew or paid for. Don't make the same mistake I did. I kept watching it to see if it got better. It doesn't.

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Disjointed storyline, very poor acting, some slow scenes, easily-anticipated happenings, some amateurish scripting, uneven cinematography, all contribute to make this a below-par flick. Of course, there are still some "reviewers" who give such a picture 10/10, like "angela-filmsociety" who titles her one-and-ONLY-review on IMDb "Hit & Run in tradition of B movie horrors". HUH??? Cast or crew member, or friend or relative? So, while the movie is not a total disaster, it is not satisfactory, but some viewers may enjoy the bloody gore featured! 4/10

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Special K

**SPOILERS**This movie sucked. There are so many positive reviews that I expected to like it despite the low IMDb rating of 4.7.After a night of drinking, Mary (Laura Breckenridge) unknowingly runs over Timothy Esmer (Kevin Corrigan) in her Jeep. When she gets home, she sees the Esmer stuck to the front of her car and out of fear for the repercussions she tries to cover it up. Mary is painted as the bad guy. You kind of feel sorry for her even; though she runs over a guy while she's drunk, and tries to cover it up instead of manning up and taking responsibility. She tells Rick (Christopher Shand), her boyfriend, and they begin to concoct a plan to cover up her crime. Unfortunately, the best idea they can come up with is to just ignore it and hope it just goes away.She drives Esmer out to the woods to dispose of, but he's still alive and seeks vengeance. After 25 minutes of Mary trying to come to terms with her questionable actions, Esmer comes back and starts trolling her. He kills Rick, and then he stabs Mary a few times in her garage before tying her to the front of her own Jeep and going on a joy ride. Who am I supposed to be rooting for here?After the joyride, Esmer takes her back to his own house, killing a gas station attendant on the way. Then he kills his wife when she tries to set Mary free. Esmer then drives Mary out to the woods to bury her alive, but Mary blinds him and knocks him out before escaping and driving away in her car.When Esmer miraculously reappears out of thin air on the road a few miles ahead (literally one minute later), she runs over him (again) in her Jeep. The next morning she drives to a body shop and asks a mechanic to fix her car, whereupon they find the mangled body of Esmer stuck to the bottom of her Jeep and she gets arrested.Here's how that situation would play out. The police would investigate and find the body of Esmer's Wife at his house, with Esmer's fingerprints on the murder weapon. There would be CCTV footage from the gas station showing him killing the attendant while she was strapped to the car. She'll be able to tell them where Rick's body is, and with the evidence stacked towards Esmer, she'll probably get off scot-free!Esmer apparently does all this because he's bipolar which (according to the writers of this straight to video movie) means he can be a nice as pie teacher who sings nursery rhymes with young kids one minute, and a psychopathic killer the next!I have no idea why this movie is rated an 18. I was promised gore.. There's no gore. A bit of blood thrown about the place and an eye stabbing does not equal gore. Even when he kills his wife, you don't see it. The killing is off camera and then it cuts to his missus with a set of sheers stuck in her spine! And the blood dripping out of the phone... That's a face palm right there. There was no reason for it at all and only served to make the movie even more stupid.The characters aren't compelling, it's not clear who the antagonist is supposed to be, and there are so many plot holes you can see right through it. In short, it has none of the qualities that make a good movie.The action sequences are dull; and the quick changing, unconventional camera angles are disorienting. You'd expect more from a $3.5m budget, and I wonder what that budget actually went on because the cameras used were obviously not very good, and there aren't many locations used. A house, a body shop, and the woods. The images are grainy and lacklustre, as if the entire movie was filmed with a Go Pro! There's no colour in any of the scenes.There are many other movies that had a smaller budget to work with and look many times better than Hit & Run. Rob Zombies: Halloween for instance had less than 10% of the budget this movie had and looks much better. Nicolas Winding Refn's Bronson had less than that and looks even better! Paranormal Activity looks better than this and Paranormal Activity's budget was less than $20k!If you really need to watch it, then watch it. But I personally wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone.1 K out of 10.

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When Mary Murdock gets home from a rocking party at the local shin-ding or roadside type of bar, she finds a man dangling from her front bumper. So starts the urban legend, with some twists added to the myth. The man is not dead and tries to attack her so she kills him. Then to hide the crime, she buries him in the woods but he don't like that and comes back to teach her a lesson. There are some leaps in logic and time, and some bizarre things are left unexplained. Often, you're not sure if some stuff is real or dream, but I found that refreshing to my mind. It's one of those movies where you just don't mind little inconsistencies, you can still enjoy the thrill of the chase like it's some kind of nightmare that's unfolding. In the end, Mary gets a surprise of her own.

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