Hellevator: The Bottled Fools
Hellevator: The Bottled Fools
| 28 February 2004 (USA)
Hellevator: The Bottled Fools Trailers

Luchino's routine morning elevator ride up from her subterranean home on level 138 to her school many stories above turns horrific when the elevator operator is ordered to pick up two passengers from floor 99, the maximum security level. What starts as psychological manipulation soon turns wholly physical as both the cruel convicts and Luchino's own dysfunctional past are unleashed. And then every passenger must fight for his or her survival.


This movie wasn't at all what I expected from it. It's being somewhat a mix of an art house film and a modern Japanese exploitation horror flick. So in short, it's bloody and artsy but it's not being really good and successful as either an horror or an art house type of movie.First of all, something that often bugs me about modern Japanese horror flicks is how low-budget they are looking. Cheap sets, cheap lighting, fake gore. Yes, everything is present in this movie as well its cheapness often can take you really out of the movie.But what mostly was disappointing to me was its story. I mean, the concept sounds so promising and surely they could and also really should had come up with something more interesting and good for the actual movie. What is really the problem with its story is that it doesn't seem able to keep focus. For a movie that's almost completely set in an elevator it's a shockingly messy told movie. It takes a while before the movie finally kicks in and after that, every time I thought that the movie was going into an interesting direction, it completely changed course. You could call this surprising but bad or annoying are some words that I would rather use.It's one of those movies that thinks it's being really clever but the movie is just too often either predictable or annoying with all of its twists and oddness. It also really makes this movie a bit of a mess to watch.Yes, this movie can get a really odd one to watch. Hiroki Yamaguchi seemed to be full with plenty of ideas but the execution seems only halve, halve, which again is also really partly due to its restrained budget, so in this case you perhaps really can't blame the director for anything. Who knows, he might be capable of delivering something really good, if only given the right budget next time. Seems unlikely to happen though, since director Hiroki Yamaguchi hasn't made a movie since this one and prior to this he did only amateur stuff and shorts. So this was his big movie and I doubt it was a financially successful one. Slim chance he is ever going to get a new chance, unless he's capable of raising the right amount of money himself somehow.Not the worst attempt I have ever seen but I also just can't think of any reason why you should ever go watch this film.5/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/

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The minute this movie started, it had 'cube' written all over it. The high-tech yet raw atmosphere, the lighting, even the camera-work reminded me of it. And obviously this movie was meant to capture a similar type of claustrophobic ambiance.Now I am totally into Japanese movies (big fan of Takashi Miike), and I love suspense/thriller stuff (I loved the Cube), but this movie was a total bore.. The atmosphere itself was OK, but the acting, the props, the character design, the story, the logics; utter crap. Truly, over half of what happens makes no sense. In addition, the suspense is broken over different events, so it never really builds up. Something happens, and it's resolved... something else happens, and it's resolved.. and none of these things really get to you because they are so incredibly predictable and unnecessary, mixed up with pretentious horror-like cut-scenes to spice things up, which instead ridicule the whole deal even more.. I'm giving it 3 stars for the ambiance and the chicks, but other than that, this movie is not worth your time.. unless you really, really have nothing else to do..

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I went into The Bottled Fools hoping for a lot. I knew it was low budget, but the trailer and synopsis had me very intrigued. I guess that's why companies have marketing departments. It's probably the only way to sell this film.The set/feel to the movie reminded me of the mid 70's Dr Who show. It was very low budget and almost looked like it was shot on a camcorder. This didn't really bother me however, it's more I'm letting others know what to expect. I've seen my share of low budget productions and I've grown to learn that a strong story or cast can take a movie much more powerful than it's CGI effects.So now I'll get into the story. While the concept was somewhat good, the execution was not. The story seemed pretty basic after the first 30 minutes, however upon the 45th minute passing I realized I was wrong. I guess the writer wanted to make a statement on human interaction, so he decided at the expense of the audience to keep the film going much after one would have assumed this disaster would have finished. I won't ruin the film by saying what happened, but the final scene made my laugh out loud.Not something I'd suggest anyone waste time on. I'm guessing Tokyo Shock made a killing on this one as the hype around the DVD was fairly good. I'm starting to wonder if they may have got the rights for this film for free. I wish I would have got my copy for that price.

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The low-budget origins and "arty" look initially had me worried this would be another Shinya Tsukamoto-esque Japanese film, high on style but low on content. Thankfully, HELLEVATOR is a very accessible, very watchable science fiction flick that is not trying to answer the meaning of life, just deliver 90 minutes of first class entertainment.It resembles CUBE in that respect, making the absolute most of its location, and building the tension around the personalities of the characters accidentally thrust together in a high-stress situation. In fact, it could be seen as an ultra-minimalist riff on that film, confining the action to just one single room, but providing breathing room via the schoolgirl's telepathic "visions", and varying the tone via the comical parade of passengers getting on and off.Great fun.

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