Hawk's Vengeance
Hawk's Vengeance
R | 21 October 1997 (USA)
Hawk's Vengeance Trailers

Eric Hawke a British Marine, attends the funeral of his policeman brother who he discovers has been attempting to investigate the mysterious kidnappings and murders of a local Asian street gang. The clues seem to point to a rival Nazi white supremacist gang as the culprits, but Lizzie (Hawke's brother's partner in the police force) is not so sure: she suspects a larger conspiracy which involves one of the city's most powerful crime bosses, a man by the name of Garr. As the body count rises, Eric, Lizzie and young Asian gang member Lipo Chung race to uncover the truth behind the murders, before more missing gang members wash up on the beach with missing organs.


As I was reading some harsh reviews of Hawk's Vengeance here, I was wondering what their authors were looking for? As a b-movies lover and GaryDaniels fan, I know what to expect from the start, I just want to be entertained for one and half an hour, nothing more! And as most of Gary Daniels flicks from the 90's, like Firepower, Deadly Target, Rage or Recoil, this one delivers! With plenty of action scenes, some funny lines and an overall decent story line, this TV movie kicks the butt of most blockbuster's Hollywood have to offer in this decade.

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Comeuppance Reviews

Captain Eric "Hawk" Kelly is a British cop who travels to Montreal, Canada because his stepbrother, Jack "Soldier" Kelly - yes, the infamous "SnakeEater" himself (we'll explain later) - has died in the line of duty. As it turns out, the streets are being overrun by rival gangs - the neo-Nazis (their gang is called, scarily, the Death Skulls) and the Asians. However, the big boss man is the intimidating Elias T. Garr (Magda). Teaming up with Soldier's former partner Lizzie (Heitmeyer), and Li Po Chung (Chiang), a scrappy street dude, Hawk seeks...well...VENGEANCE on his beloved stepbrother's killers. Will he succeed? Confusingly enough, this is the fourth film in the SnakeEater series popularized by Lorenzo Lamas. Sadly, and without warning, however, the SnakeEater has eaten his last snake and died. Don't worry, it's not a spoiler - at the opening of this movie, it's like, "Oh, SnakeEater is dead. Ho hum." No flashbacks, no blaze of glory, nothing. Perhaps Lamas was too ensconced in taping an episode of Are You Hot? (A real show, and the pride of the U.S.A.) to care to be involved.His loss is our gain, as the super-likable Gary Daniels fills in. Sure, they try to justify SnakeEater (1989) having a British step-brother plotwise - and, preposterously, a character even says to Hawk, referring to Soldier, "You look like him." Never mind that it's supposed to be his stepbrother. But it really doesn't matter, because the presence of Daniels and his martial arts are all that's really important here. There should have been some more action scenes, and this movie lacks the intensity of Daniels' PM work, especially the excellent Recoil (1998), but Hawk's is still worth seeing.Thanks to his Asian sidekick, there's plenty of good-natured racism that, once again, you'd never see today. Plus, if you've ever wanted to see an Asian gentleman and Gary Daniels dressed as Orthodox Jews and shooting people, your lucky day is here. Thanks to that, and some "cheesy" (you'll see) lines, there are some laughs in store. Cass Magda plays the baddie who stick-fights in his spare time, and you know the white supremacists are evil because one of them sports a "Satan" tattoo and their band Hatebeast plays at Club Anarchy on the weekends.The bottom line is this: Hawk's Vengeance is fairly dumb, but the charm of Gary Daniels carries the day.For more action insanity, please visit: www.comeuppancereviews.com

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I am a big Gary Daniels fan, and even I found this movie to be boring and unexciting! Not enough fights, bad acting(except for Daniels), and a terrible, weak villian. Plus, all the fights were horribly slow because nobody Gary fought was able to keep up with him. Add to all this low production values, and you have easily one of Gary's worst movies. Why was this released by a big company, and none of his good ones were, I'll never know.

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Daniels plays a Special Forces Royal Marine, Hawk, whose stepbrother has been murdered, and who comes to the US exact vengeance. His opponent is played by martial arts choreographer and JKD practitioner Cass Magda. Daniels had no control over the fight scenes and they, like the film, are no great shakes. The plot is completely unbelievable - he goes on the rampage with impunity and no-one, not even the law intervenes. His character simply murders in cold blood and gets away with it. Didn't enjoy it.

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