Haunting Sarah
Haunting Sarah
PG | 02 October 2005 (USA)
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A mother dealing with the death of her young son learns that her niece is in contact with his spirit.

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This is one of those movies that you happen to come across on some obscure channel, and as there's nothing else on, you decide to watch it. Unlike the reviews state, this isn't actually all bad. It does have some good points to it.The first half of this film is undoubtedly the best, but after that halfway line, it definitely begins to slip. Although it has the potential to be great, it descends and descends in enjoyment until you're left with a mess.The basic plot line is:Two twin sisters, both having children, throw a Halloween party. This is how the film starts, and it identifies the fact that the daughter of one of the sisters and the son of the other are really close. But then, the son (named David) gets run over accidentally when he drops his toy robot in the middle of the road and runs to retrieve it. However, the daughter says that he isn't dead. At first, the mother of the girl just thinks its shock, but then strange things begin happening, which suggest that maybe the boy's come back. The question that runs through this movie and makes up the plot line is: Why?It starts off well, but then it gets a little strange and weird towards the end. It's worth a viewing, no doubt, but there's nothing here to go crazy about.One can only help that a director will see this movie's potential, and make a remake of it that's much, MUCH better.

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The only thing I could think of was "just awful". I found some of the scenes, particularly the ending ones, gratuitous and that such a thing can only be forgiven if the movie/show is stylishly slick or or outright exceptional. This movie was neither.Basically, a young boy dies in an accident and his cousin named Sarah is haunted by his spirit(which for some never really well explained reason is evil. Buh?) There's some supposedly creepy things that happen and Sarah ends up being close to death and the mother(who is an identical twin)has to have son for her to survive(since David wants to come back to life).The movie just fails because it has that generic Lifetime feel that both tries too hard yet not hard enough. Only the Sarah girl was any good. Everyone else was just wooden. I have to admit though, I did like the leather costume on one of the twin women. That was pretty cool, but before and after that was either lame(kid in Devil mask? Bah!), needlessly disgusting(I don't think a C-section should have been that graphic. YECH! Only House and CSI could get away with that), or just "meh"(amulets to ward off spirits? How original).If you're a die hard spirit horror fan, you might like it. If not, best to steer clear. I should have.

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I admit that at first the previews kind of scared me and I wasn't going to watch this movie. Just the title turned me off really, but come Monday night at 8:55pm I was like, OK I am going to watch this movie. I had the TV turned to Lifetime anyways. (one of my favorite channels) At first, I thought, gosh its going to be a real spooker because of the masks at the beginning with the Halloween party and I almost turned the channel! But as it went on, I got into it. I knew about David dying in the previews, but it got me when his spirit went "Sarah!" I felt so bad for Heather, but I was upset they killed David so early on in the movie.But how David's spirit made weird things happen, like when Rosie gave Sarah the friendship bracelet, I had a feeling that David wasn't going to like that and nor was I shocked that he was trying to hurt/kill Sarah by tightening the bracelet. And then the doll house, that was really spooky to me! But I had a feeling when Erica became pregnant, she was going to have the re-incarnation of David or twins. Just that odd feeling to myself.I never imagined this movie would end the way it did with Sarah jumping off the roof! I was in tears when this happened! And then the dramatic birth of the twins, all though seeing the first one born was a girl, I was like oh Gosh! Sarah is going to die. But then thinking down those lines of twins I was like the next one will be a boy.The ending left me hanging with Sarah calling her brother Jack "David" but it's like is it over for real this time or not?

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I just LOVED this movie... I had read a comment about Why would David return an Evil Spirit? Answer simply put... A comment from the movie... "David was a stubborn child and always had to have his way".... When a Person suffers a Tragic Death as he did, they won't accept that they are dead...Some people believe, some don't... I am a Believer.... EXCELLENT MOVIE!!! I can't wait for this movie to come out on DVD because I will be the first person in line to buy it..I give this movie way more than the 10 that they allow for you to give...I would like to see more of these kinds of movies. Please put this movie out as soon as possible on DVD Thanks !

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