Haunted Castle
Haunted Castle
PG | 23 February 2001 (USA)
Haunted Castle Trailers

A young musician and singer named Johnny has been notified by a law firm that his mother, an aging rock star whom Johnny hasn't seen or heard from since he was 3 years old, has died in a helicopter accident. Johnny has been willed her castle and all of her property and money, but he must visit the actual castle to claim these things.


I took my family to see this while visiting Moody Gardens, TX. We were sure to make the latest showing at night to get the late night effect. It was well worth the wait. What a world the graphics put us through. The most angelic voice of the mother balances the horrific hellish scenes. From Satan to heavenly scenes with the mothers presence we were thrilled. It had the good verses evil feel. We would of went right back in to see it over again if that were allowed. My daughter and I really wanted to find more music from the mother. We noticed some people leaving before the end song was done. I think the mother should have sang another song instead. Check it out. The 3D was one of the best we've seen from Science Spectrum to even Disney 3D's. It's playing now in Moody Gardens.

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Easter Bradford

Haunted Castle is at it's best a very dark, gothic cautionary tale about doing anything for fame. Unfortunately it goes to some fairly violent extremes to prove it's point. Played in IMAX theaters across America it is billed as a simple, animated trip through a haunted castle. This draws parents with children who might already be at wherever is housing the IMAX screen (aquariums, zoos, etc...) to bring their children in, where they are confronted with a plot about a young musician being enticed by Satan (referred to innocuously as "Mr. D") to sell his soul for eternity. Only a brief part of the film takes place in the actual mansion; the rest is a literal journey through the depths of hell where "Johnny" (whose eyes we see through) is shown how various dead musician's souls are being tortured. (Most vivid in my mind is the opera singer who is strung to a rack and slowly lowered into a vat of acid and barracuda.) The film's 3D effects are mind boggling but often misplaced if not neglected, and there are at least two scenes that play like over-produced music videos. (The last five or six minutes of the film are essentially the credits played VERY SLOWLY over a "performance" by Johnny's band.) In all, if you are not easily grossed out or terrified and don't mind some boring moments, the film is visually stunning, but NOT FOR CHILDREN.

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Well, not the BEST movie I've ever seen, but it deffinetly is one of my favourites! It had just a few things I like about a movie; rock music, gothic, very hot guy, lots of horror. It was a fun roller coaster ride through a bone chilling gothic castle. I'm glad there was a plot line, as thin and flimsy as it was. It was still a potentially strong plot line, and I think if they had focused a bit more on strengthening the plot, and perhaps made it a longer movie, it would have been excellent. But after all, it was an Imax movie, so you can't expect box office masterpieces jumping out from those screens. Nonetheless, it was VERY enjoyable, and I intend to buy the DVD and if I can, the soundtrack. I LOVE that song he sings at the beginning and end.

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Do yourself a favor - forget about the plot of this film and see it forwhat it was meant to be seen for: eye candy. That's why Imax wasinvented! This film is especially favorable, seeing as how it's in 3-D.The story is about Johnny, the son of a former rock star mother who leftwhen he was only 3 years old and totally kept out-of-touch with himuntil she died. Upon her death, Johnny recieved a letter from her lawyerstating that he had inherited her castle and that he needed to be thereimmediately - that's where the film starts. Johnny's limo pulls up tothe castle and upon his entry, Johnny discovers it's all an evil trapset up by the devil himself to get Johnny to sign a contract to be afamous rock star like his mother. What ensues is a journey through thetortured lives of those who tried to renig on their contracts. The filmnot very graphic, but can be engrossing. There's lots of skeletons,creepy little green cherubs, weird singing monkey robots and Mephisto,Mr. D's right-hand-man. So the plot is kind of corny, but this film isstill worth seeing - it's like a better version of Disneyland's HauntedMansion, except with somewhat of a plot! The music is EXCELLENT! Belgian band Arid's lead singer, Jasper Steverlinck, plays Johnny and KyokoBaerston of Lunascape (also Belgian) does an excellent job portrayingJohnny's mother (and she Goth-dances too!). At the end of it all we'retreated to a live performance of Arid's "Little Things of Venom," anexcellent song which permeats throughout the Haunted Castle. Check itout!!! 10 out of 10..

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