R | 20 June 2005 (USA)
Hardcore Trailers

Leaving behind a hard life with their families, two young girls end up in a brothel, fall in love and support one another against the adversities and violence of the night.


Though not mistaking this for that George C Scott/Paul Schrader film, this is the ultimate in eye candy eroticism, and shock, for two young pros, and their hustler boyfriends trying to make it, outside of what is hooking, but you know what's like. This is a well made foreign SBS type film, hot Greek Style, where we jump straight into this uncompromising film about hooking and drug taking, plus a little bit of blood. We have another much younger girl, can't more than 16, who joins them, her naivety, painfully patent, one scene involving been broken, is pushing the envelope stuff, but this is what the movie does, where you feed off that vibe. Addictive eye candy shock flick, emphasize erotic, Tsavalou, a hot Greek revelation of a beauty.

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'Hardcore' is rarely straightforward about its protagonists, Martha and Nadia. They are two young hookers and they like what they do - to an extent. Especially Nadia is bent on finding a better and easier life for herself, while trying to string Martha along. The two girls are part of a prostitution company, which labels its customers with a range of coloured post-its; purple means the biggest pay.The film is at times dreamy and weirdly upbeat about the prostitutes' lives (with a cynical undertone that does not work as well as it may have been intended), a little too much perhaps, but for a long time it works pretty well. Unfortunately, near the end things get too repetitive and boring, not helped by a rather bland and unsurprising soundtrack. The acting is reasonable enough, but on the whole, it all really lacks the impact it pretends to have.5 out of 10.

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Wow spell binding is all I can say, Greek cinema doesn't break out to international crowds often, so when it does you can damned bet its special.Plot is pretty bleak to say the least, revolving around two young 16-17 year old female prostitutes and their day to day struggle, and their dreams to get out of the grim life they've been living in not helped by their pimp. Along for part the ride they are joined by 2 fellow male prostitutes, then a client who falls for the youngest of the two girls.Its not so much the plot that wins you over in this film, but the grand manner its filmed in. The film spins from darker music video gloss in the mould of Chris Cunningham or Gaspar Noe to comical Dennis Potter dream style montages.The two central female leads do a stunning job in what must surely have been hard to film scenes. Slight warning is it won't be suitable for everyone has it has strong sexual content throughout. But then what do you expect from a film about this subject and with a title like Hardcore. [7.5 out of 10 would be my rating.]

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i saw hardcore yesterday,and i think it was great.the acting was very good even though most of the actors are still in drama schools and they havent been in a film before , they acted like professionals.particularly danae skiadi got perfectly in the skin of her part,her facial expressions,her movements and her "evil"smile worked very well.katerina tsavalou was also good,although sometimes the flat tone of her voice was kind of irritating but then i realised that it had to be like that since she was 17 and a half and already tired of her life,tired of being a teenage whore and not having anyone to love her and not just take advantage of her and also because she wasnt as tough as nadia was.i dont know if i would have liked hardcore that much if it was a hollywood film.i'm sure that it would have been completely different.they would have given more importance to martha's "need love and family" and it would be full of hugging,touching scenes with lines like:i'm sick of this life i want to be loved ,i want a family "and it would probably show why they left their houses in the fist place,probably because their parents were divorced and dad didnt pay enough attention to them...the classical hollywood themes and it would end up being boring.

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