Hank Williams: The Show He Never Gave
Hank Williams: The Show He Never Gave
| 30 December 1980 (USA)
Hank Williams: The Show He Never Gave Trailers

This is a lonely New Year's Eve for Hank Williams as he spends it en route to a huge New Years Day concert in Ohio. Hank Williams died that night on the road. A fictional biography is shown in flashback.

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Wolf Krakowski

I am the guy in the doorway, bar patron Lonnie Jewks, having a cigarette in the opening shot and patting Hank on the back as he enters the bar. I had a great view of Hank's performance as the director positioned me directly behind the bandstand. Say what you will about his lack of resemblance to Williams, Sneezy was channelling Hank. The director allowed us to improvise our movements. My buddies, actors John Corbett (Pee-Wee Hupple) and John Novak (Soldier) scuffled and I attempted to intervene and break them up. They handed out unfiltered Camels and the beer was real, folks. I also appear, with my back to the camera, coming out of the bathroom and getting in the way of my dear, departed friend, singer-actor Tex Konig, O"H. Most of us were hired for the entire shoot, which not only helped pay the rent, but made for some memorable after-parties at John Corbett and John Novak's place on Oxford Street (affectionately known as The Baths) in Kensington Market ( Toronto, Canada). The director and Sneezy were professional and friendly; no "star" nonsense. I was there when the shoot wrapped and the producers presented Sneezy with his costume as a gift; he accepted it with sincere gratitude and humility. (The janitor) Jackie Washington's guitar-playing, beautifully recorded in a studio and over-dubbed, sparkles and forges a true-to-life link between Williams and his childhood teacher, Montgomery street- musician, Tee-Tot. Peace and Love, Wolf Krakowski www.kamea.com@ lechuguilla: Williams was on his way to Canton, Ohio.

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Like the other reviewer stated watching this movie is gut wrenching. It goes so deep. You can feel some of the pain this man Hank Williams was tormented with. He won the Pulitzer Prize this year because his songs went that deep. That deep dark space in our hearts where we hide stuff. The void space where we keep the darkness at bay. It seems with Hank he could not keep the blackness isolated it tormented him, it was painful for him. No one seemed to reach him, maybe it is better said no one seen him for what and who he was. The movie is excellent if you listen you can hear it, you will be moved by it. I highly recommend this movie but I don't know if I want my sister who suffers from depression to see it. Tea McCormick

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I could have given this 10/10 if the version I saw wasn't so dark (some of the scenes were virtually all blackened out). I recognize the older Canadian production values here, which reminds me of "Going Down The Road" and various other CBC or NFB productions. There's a kind of unglamorous and unadorned realism that makes it all so wonderfully poignant.If I didn't know any better, I could have assumed an actual live show was being filmed with multiple cameras if I only saw a few minutes here or a few minutes there. Sneezy Waters is absolutely brilliant, both as a musician and as an actor. Loved the old guy doing the cagean dancing!

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I saw this movie years ago on TV in Canada and remembered it as being really great, with a superb performance by the lead actor, even tho at the time I was more into the Ramones than Hank Williams. I recently purchased the DVD based on this 25 year old memory, and what a pleasant surprise to see that the movie was even better now as viewed thru my middle aged eyes, and the performance by Sneezy Waters as Hank is one of those rare things where the actor transcends the medium and becomes the character he is playing. Amazing! You really do feel like you are watching a show by Hank himself, warts and all. The relatively poor quality of the DVD transfer even adds to the authenticity, and the art direction really evokes the period. I think if you are a music fan, a history fan, or a Hank fan, you will enjoy this film. I couldn't recommend it more highly.

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