Half Past Midnight
Half Past Midnight
NR | 01 March 1948 (USA)
Half Past Midnight Trailers

A detective encounters a woman in a nightclub. He finds that she is being blackmailed by a dancer who is murdered that very night. Of course, the woman becomes the main suspect. She and the gumshoe team up and begin searching for the real killer.

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That's the first film directed by William Claxton. It's not a film noir, as I wrongly expected, but a sort of comedy yarn. Nothing more. Little boring - but not too much either, talkative, with a topic every one has seen before. A night club girl is accused of a murder charge. A murder she, of course, did not commit. And the lead - Taylor - tries everything to prove her innocence. And also find the real killer.So, you see, nothing really unusual in this little movie. I don't think Claxton made other films of this kind later, but mostly westerns, and fairly good ones. But B movies too, no great classics.But, back to this one, we have seen worse. It's not a lousy picture.

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