Gods of Egypt
Gods of Egypt
PG-13 | 26 February 2016 (USA)
Gods of Egypt Trailers

A common thief joins a mythical god on a quest through Egypt.


Europeans of Egypt is yet another demonstration of the white supremacy "liberal" Hollywood propagates at every juncture. They even included their typical token black character to ease their hypocritical consciences. Now that I know (according to Hollywood) Europeans ruled Egypt as Kings, Queens, and Gods my education is complete.It is extremely unfortunate that due to their inherit racism, Hollywood glorifies all things historically white such as Greece, Rome, and England. I can't even count the amount of movies based on these three civilizations. The extremely rare occasion Hollywood puts money into a period-based, non-white civilization, they cannot resist themselves and must use even those civilizations to glorify White Supremacy by inserting Europeans into the roles of leadership, royalty, and now Gods.I am sorry if this reality stings a few toes, which is not my intent. I am just sick to my teeth of Hollywood liberals claiming to be about inclusiveness, yet when it comes to the rubber meeting the road, their White Supremacy films are anything but. The overall imaginary premise gave this film potential. Unfortunately the dull writing, clumsy plot, and cartoony CGI fails to meet any mark. Europeans of Egypt imaginary effects is barely one step ahead of the 1930's Flash Gordon.If you just want to see a movie with special effects and lousy CGI, you will love this movie. Some will also enjoy the white supremacy aspect of Europeans ruling ancient Egypt as Gods. Hollywood is the most racist institution in America. They have just become slightly more subtle with it compared to the days of their greatest creation, the late actor Stepin Fetchit (look him up if you don't believe me).

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It's good fun for what it is really. Not bad at all. Good special effects and a decent story line. Those looking for game of thrones can head off somewhere else - this is not it.

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Bryce Addison

I usually love movies like this, but the acting is horrendous, the script is terrible, and don't even get me started on the CGI. Not a good movie. The end.

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Chris Spasevski

I've just watched recently on Blu Ray Gods Of Egypt, it was a very enjoyable ride. If the production were using more sets construct it could it been an epic, but that i leave it to the filmmakers. The story is part accurate part fable.It is the time of Zep Tepi (The Fist Time) when the Ancient Gods ruled over men, and how they found them self's in troubles,and struggle by learning their mistake they have learned their lessen through the human beings. The story folows based on the true myth of the Ancient Egyptian Gods, how Osiris was appointed ruler of Ancent Khemet with his sister Isis. It is the truth myth of the Pre-History of the Antediluvian world. aprox 10,000 - 12,000 BC when Atlantis was swallowe beneath the waves in the Atlantic Ocean.This is the missing pages of our forgotten history mind you.Is it hidden or a myths? Set kills Osiris then cuts his body into pieces, and spreads them across Ancient Khemet Empire, Only one piece survives and that is the phallus of Osiris.Hiis loyal subject finds it and hands over to Isis the Queen of the Gods, She uses it and gets impregnated and she bores Horus, that set to be the ruler of the throne of Khemet. Horus grows and become mighty warrior that go into battle with Vimanas against Set and fight in a mighty battle he is hit with a laser bear from the ship of set and dropes down. He is badly injured he heals then he goes on a journey to the hidding place of Set and kills him at Mount Sinai. At the same time Isis is set on the quest to find every piece and to resurrect her beloved husband Osiris. It is the Quest of Immortality.This is the true myth.The move should be made that way but because of sexual contents depraved from the story Alex Proyas uses the corner stone of the myth and changes the elements of the story to develop that led to a different interpretation of the Zep Tepi. A lot of people don't understand the concept of myths that is the history of bygone age of the real quest to immortality and their struggle with their ruling over men. That is the true history of the Gods. I like one particular element that is straight from Zacharia Sitchin pages, The Gods were angry at all times and thirst for vengeance, they didn't have emotions. and that is their fall. Only humans have those emotions that make us different and better then the Gods. In fact the Truth myth is Amon-Ra is not the father of Osiris and Set instead is Atlas the last king of Atlantis. Ancent Khemet is in fact the Osirian Empire that stretches through out the whole Mediterranean Basin, Lybia and Egypt it was a colony of the Atlantian Empire.The madeteranin Basin at hat time bas a valley tith lakes and rivers that is now submurged. King Atlas and the Queen Mu gave authority to Osiris to rule Ancent Khemet, but his brother Set been subjugated by the dark side fell short and become a jealous Prince that wanted to kill his elder brother Osiris. He wanted to be the ruler of Egyptian/Lybian Empire that was in parallels of the Atlantian Empire.In Ancent Khemet they used Vimanas that were fighting in mid air like the movie John Carter on Mars. Those elements should be incorporated into the story to make it an epic production it needed to be a cross between Thor and Lord of the Rings. The move its self is better then Scorpion King in production and story and better interpenetration of the Gods as 9 foot giants then in the movie Immortals, that was lacking. The Gods were 12 - 15 feet but that could it been outstanding or impossible to be made in comparison to the humans for the big picture. The Ancient Gods from Egypt were in fact the Sumerian Gods Anunnakies that were 33 feet, then as they lived on out planet and of the gravitation force their life span dropped same as the height. When you look at their family chart Osiris and Set fits with their third generation ruling Gods on our planet. the second been Amun and Amaunet . Lot of critics complain about using to much white actor to interpret the Gods, they wrong, because the Ancent Gods were fair hair and white skin, the Anunnkies. The Creation of their second class humans were the Dark skin or Bronze skin in Africa and those were the the mining class They used the proto-typed Proncozul the original earthly beings. Their first race was the Titans been the dark skin Giants, their second creation were the Cyclops and Spinx, Gryphons and other Monsters, then comes the Apes, right after their six generation they have had created the Humo-Humo Sapians the Adamites, been the same as their likenesses. Lets created men in our image to be the same as our likeness. The move it is fun to watch if you don't take it seriously. The SGI were cheaply made but some scenery were gorgeous. They showed the Earth or Shan been a Flat Star Ship not a sphere.probably that is how they've interpreted in those times, It might it been true. Everything that we know now is not new i fits the legacy of the Gods that we call it magic in fact it is their science and advance technology that we use a fragment in our society nowdays.Itas been lost or hidden in the course of time, ready to be discovered. Only time will tell how we will interpret those myths or been our lost history that is stored in our subconsciousness in every humans, that needs to be revealed.The movie is very good It could it been an epic if they used more real sets construction and incorporated those elements above. They have spend a lot of money on their costumes that were breathtaking and on the wizardly, not so much on the production sets. But I don't want to ruin the imagination of the Director, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

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