R | 01 March 1971 (USA)
Ginger Trailers

The police suspect that a drug and forced-prostitution ring is behind the recent spate of kidnappings and disappearances, but so far they've been unable to infiltrate the suspects gang. To break the case, they recruit Ginger, a young woman from an upper-class family to act as bait for the kidnappers and hopefully lead the police to their hideout. It may sound like a foolproof plan to the police, but Ginger's the one who has to risk it all.


There's something special about the three "Ginger" movies, something I'd very much like to see re-made or re-tried with today's sensibilities and a bigger budget. While "Ginger" is, by far, the worst of the three ("The Abductors" and "Girls are made for Loving" are actually completely watchable B-movie fare albeit with a strong sexual / sadomasochistic touch), the idiosyncrasies which made this series stand out among other, more forgettable drive-in fare, are already there in part 1. The premise of a female hero not only surviving in an otherwise men's world (and genre) but positively calling the shots is extremely rare even today. In "Haywire", Gina Carrano is bashing male stars left and right, but she is far from "calling the shots" - neither does she sexually predate like Ginger does. The same goes for Angelina Jolie's "Salt". In fact, Ginger is maybe the nearest we get in movie history to what was otherwise a very male role-model. (This is probably why she was called "the female James Bond" although she's not a secret agent at all). And while today's killing ladies are as a rule ridiculous (even Carrano - trained in martial arts - looked silly beating up guys double her weigth), Ginger very rarely relies on beating someone up - she works the weapons of a woman as well as guns, poison, traps or whatever it takes to take her opponents out. Disturbing but, in a refreshing way, at least halfway realistic!A word on acting: As mentioned, the two follow-up movies are much better, "Ginger" otoh sports acting that can only be described as a-tro-cious. Except for Cheri Caffaro herself, she's neither a top-model nor a great actress but she has screen presence in spades (a bit like Schwarzenegger) and there are a few scenes in here (the killings of Rodney and Jimmy for instance) where she comes over truly menacing and mesmerizing. Part of her screen presence may be thanks to her tall body - maybe the other actors were cast so they were a bit smaller but she does own every scene she's in.So, while I can't really recommend this slow-paced and cheaply-made stinker to anyone on its own merits, there are certain qualities in there which are really interesting and some themes which I would liked explored in future productions.

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"Ginger' (Cheri Caffaro) is a young woman from New York who has been recruited by a private investigative company to gather intelligence on a criminal named "Rex Halsey" (Duane Tucker) who has a small operation in New Jersey which capitalizes on drugs, prostitution and blackmail. To get the evidence required for a conviction she has to infiltrate his small circle of accomplices and the last two who tried have ended up dead. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that I found this to be a sleazy but somewhat entertaining film all the same. Having said that I should probably add that this movie is not for those who are easily offended as it contains scenes with full frontal nudity, bondage, rape and racial slurs. Along with that it was a low-budget film which includes some weak fighting scenes, a poor script and some very basic acting. But Cheri Caffaro does a decent enough job in spite of it all and manages to keep the film moving along all the same. Likewise, having attractive young ladies like Michele Norris (as "Vicki Jennings"), Cindy Barnett ("Jean Oliver") and the aforementioned Cheri Caffaro certainly didn't hurt. Accordingly, I rate this movie as about average.

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This is the first installment in the Ginger series. It was obviously shot on a budget, so they needed all of the sex and violence that they could throw in. The characters are pretty dull, as is the plot, but it seems like they tried to make up for it through using gratuitous sex scenes.The plot is extremely simple. Ginger is an attractive blonde co-ed who is hired by a spy organization to break a corruption ring in Jersey. The group deals in prostitution and drugs. Throughout the movie, we learn more about Ginger's past and why she's doing this. The biggest problem I have with the film, forgiving the lack of originality, is how blatantly racist the lead character is. We learn why she is this way, but still, they really could have done it another way without going down that road. There was quite a bit I could forgive (I know what to expect from a low budget film), but this combined with the lack luster plot and dirt poor acting really made me hate this film. The only reason I gave it a 2 is that it tried to be an exploitation film.Oh, and yes there is full frontal nudity in it, but it's of both genders (I guess they wanted to throw something in for the ladies).

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John Mclaren

Oh, I know the acting is wobbly, the plot clanks like a medieval dungeon, and the cinematography is dodgy. But this is pure '70s sexploitation.I loved it.Yes it is sexist, unpc and everything modern Hollywood tries not to be. But that is its charm. It is about cute women toting unfeasable weapons and getting naked in an unbelievable B-movie plot. So what? That's what we want with this stuff.If you want boring and complacent cinema, go watch a movie with Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon.....

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