The title would be enough for this review )) Everything is predictable. Every phrase and image reperesent a stereotype.
... View MoreOne of the best Russian movies I've ever watched ( along with "Burnt by the sun", "Checkpoint", "Coocoo" etc). I'm very grateful to my friends who recommended this movie. Being from Quebec I found the plot quite familiar to myself, my background. The countryside characters, alcohol, Russian winter are quite similar to my native town. A Beautiful Girl came to the little town with a unclear mission and quickly felt in love with the most strange garbage man in the World. He's well dressed, intelligent, she felt puzzled and what else could attract a girl corrupted by the Big Town? Good music, good acting, beautiful woman - what else do we need? 9/10.
... View MoreSad. Very sad. Depressing. Plot thins as it progresses. In fact - I am still under impression - that moviemakers of that flick sort of decided to depress the viewers on purpose. Every shot int the movie seems to serve that particular purpose! Rather successfully - I might add! In all fairness - some bits of sadness were done artistically. But - action scenes - lack action. Fun scenes - lack fun. And love scenes... yeah! Lack love! AT ALL! And "we" know that leading players CAN act! "We" have seen it! So - who's fault is it then? The movie does show some trace of study of provincial characters of rural Russia. But not deep, not enough and simply not catchy. I did not feel it, at all. I wish I did though...
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