Garbage Man
Garbage Man
| 15 November 2001 (USA)
Garbage Man Trailers

A girl with a secret assignment arrives in a provincial town, where she meets a scavenger, who in the evening turns out to be an elegant and ironic respectable gentleman. A mutual interest arises between them, and they begin to play the game, trying to guess each other's past.


The title would be enough for this review )) Everything is predictable. Every phrase and image reperesent a stereotype.

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One of the best Russian movies I've ever watched ( along with "Burnt by the sun", "Checkpoint", "Coocoo" etc). I'm very grateful to my friends who recommended this movie. Being from Quebec I found the plot quite familiar to myself, my background. The countryside characters, alcohol, Russian winter are quite similar to my native town. A Beautiful Girl came to the little town with a unclear mission and quickly felt in love with the most strange garbage man in the World. He's well dressed, intelligent, she felt puzzled and what else could attract a girl corrupted by the Big Town? Good music, good acting, beautiful woman - what else do we need? 9/10.

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Sad. Very sad. Depressing. Plot thins as it progresses. In fact - I am still under impression - that moviemakers of that flick sort of decided to depress the viewers on purpose. Every shot int the movie seems to serve that particular purpose! Rather successfully - I might add! In all fairness - some bits of sadness were done artistically. But - action scenes - lack action. Fun scenes - lack fun. And love scenes... yeah! Lack love! AT ALL! And "we" know that leading players CAN act! "We" have seen it! So - who's fault is it then? The movie does show some trace of study of provincial characters of rural Russia. But not deep, not enough and simply not catchy. I did not feel it, at all. I wish I did though...

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