| 22 March 1996 (USA)
Frisk Trailers

A first person narrative of the exploits of a gay serial killer in deeply disturbing, controversial drama about violence, sexuality, and the imagination. Dennis, the main character, whose lead we follow on this path between what is real and what we can only hope is surreal. His friends attempt to determine if he's truly a psychopath.


Being an avid fan of Cooper's novels, I purchased this film hoping that it would capture the truly disturbing yet poetic quality of his books. This film succeeds in being disturbing but falls short of being poetic. Although at times certain scenes or frames of the film border on indie film brilliance, unless you have read the book, it's certainly hard to follow--as it probably was intended to be. Parker Posey is the redeeming quality in this film--a strange quirkiness to a murderous she-devil who shows no remorse and offers no motive. It's a shame she was not introduced until much later in the film.Some other thoughts: The odd underground electronic soundtrack compliments the film well. The foreign porn star is incredibly eerie. The lead is not terribly convincing as a murderer. And...the most disturbing scene is the duct tape and broom scene.

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I really don't see how anyone that hasn't read the book could possibly really understand what this film is supposed to be about. The character development was pretty weak, making me constantly wonder *why* the characters were doing what they were doing... and never getting an answer. And the acting really didn't help either. It was just... well, bad. It made the characters look cheap and one dimensional. Dialogue was spoken as if it was the actors' first times going over the script. You know, porn-like. I really don't get why people act like this was such a disturbing movie... I was bored throughout mostly the entire thing. If the characters had been straight, it may very well have been just another late night HBO erotic thriller.If I had to guess, I'd say this film was made solely to shock, not to actually tell a really quite interesting story written by a brilliant author.

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Kevin Keefe

This film is very disturbing, and it took a strong stomach to tough it out to the end. It brought to mind stories I have heard about Mexican porn "snuff" films, because the audience is treated to squirm-inducing sado-masochistic rape/murders. Characters murder victims on-screen for sexual pleasure, and unless you enjoy watching that, there is no other value to the movie. There was little, if any character development or plot. I had to wonder if Parker Posey knew what she was getting herself into when she did this movie. I read the other review, which referred to this as a "black comedy", but if it is, I must have missed something. I am also dumbfounded by reference to this as a "coming-out" movie, as it is a deeply sick depiction of the edge of any sexuality (Parker plays a hetero-sex murderer), and only fits the most outraged homophobe's stereotype of what gay life is about. Utterly horrible, and to be avoided.

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Tired of coming out movies? Jeffrey and the Birdcage say nothing about your life? Fall asleep during Celluloid Closet? Then rent Frisk- refreshingly grotesque and lands all the right satirical punches on late 20th century gay culture. A litmus test for the politically correct.

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