| 05 November 2010 (USA)
FIT Trailers

Takes a look at gay and straight love among the new millennials. Everything from secret crushes to homophobic attitudes are revealed by the rambunctious students taking Drama and Dance from Loris. None of the teens are what they seem at first glance, with gay hearts lurking behind tough exteriors and straight kids expressing themselves in many ways.

Critic Breeki

Fit is one of those films that you either love or hate. Sure, the acting isn't GREAT, and it is sort of cheesy, and pretty cringe at times (You wot m8? You callin' me GAY?!).Despite this, I enjoyed it. It has a good message and nice characters that I genuinely felt hate/sorry towards. The characters all had segments dedicated to them, and how they struggled being gay/having a gay friend, and all of the surprising amount of homophobia in the film.There is quite a lot of change throughout the film as well. There was a character I hated, since he was one of the Chauvin bullies, but it was eventually revealed that he was gay. After that, he began to get more friendly, and TBH, I felt sorry for him.The one I felt most sympathy for was Karmel, since she had Homophobic parents and was scared to come out as gay.Final verdict: 7.9 / 10

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Mister Spike

I loved this from start to finish, but I knew roughly what to expect, having already seen and loved Rikki Beadle-Blair's "Metrosexuality". So I knew that I HAD to watch it with sub-titles; this Canadian cannot follow the thick English slang at lightning-fast speed otherwise! Even with subtitles, I missed many of the references, but I got the gist clearly enough.While some might find the movie a little too earnest and at times preachy, I thought it did a great job bringing these stories to life in powerful and entertaining way.Divided into episodes, it approaches the overlapping stories from different viewpoints, and tries to show that some kind of resolution, even if not yet found, is possible.The performances are powerful and believable. The angst and bravado felt very real, and the internal conflicts really came through.Highly recommended. Rikki Beadle-Blair is a GOD!

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First of all, I think the ratings of this movie is really unfair. I will elaborate further down.The movies is about what it is like to be gay, and how hard it can be to come out of the closet when you have homophobic friends etc. It follows the stories of a little group of students, who all participate in a dance/drama class. The issues regarding homosexuality is brought to the class' attention when their new, gay teacher begins. All of the characters are dealing with emotional issues, both homophobic friends, family issues and school bullying.I really enjoyed this movie and it is definitely on my top 5 of gay movies. Though the fact that there is four gay people in one class may seem a bit unrealistic. It has a great flow, it is not too slow, nor is it too fast. You get to know the characters really well, and it is just an over-all good story.The only bad thing I can point out is their accent. I had some trouble understanding some parts, the slang and accent is pretty massive... But I guess it is easier for with English being their native language.

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I rented this movie but then made the mistake to check the IMDb rating. It was at 5.4. I was not expecting much but ended watching the whole movie and pleased that I did so. You follow the different stories of teenagers coming to terms with their sexuality and their acceptance of others. It was a bit too 'educational' to me at some points (you get the typical question: what is the difference between a cross dresser, a trans-gender and a drag queen!) and sure that the movie is aimed at a teenager crowd, but the acting is well done, especially the dance teacher. Dancing is the rally point for all the characters and is used as a theater of life. Again, well done. For all of this, I give this movie a 8 out of 10.

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