Fist of Fury 2
Fist of Fury 2
| 05 April 1979 (USA)
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After Chen Zhen's execution in Shanghai, the Japanese feared that his death would unite all Chinese kung fu schools against them. Fearing this, the Japanese gave orders to the head of the Hong Ku School, Miyamoto (Lo Lieh) to surpass all Chinese schools including the Ching Wu School. When they refuse, the Japanese beat up the students and destroys the school. Meanwhile, one Chinese learns about the destruction of the Ching Wu School when he goes to Shanghai to visit Chen Zhen's grave. This Chinese is the only one who has the guts to fight the Japanese, this Chinese is known as Chen Shen (Bruce Li) who is the brother of Chen Zhen and he vows to avenge his brother's death and end the terror of the Japanese once and for all.

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This sequel to the Bruce Lee classic open's shortly after the last film finished; Chen Zhen (Lee's character) is buried and the Japanese are further oppressing Chinese martial arts schools; especially the Ching Wu School. Miyamoto, head of the Japanese school takes the Ching Wu School's premises. A year later a stranger appears at Chen's grave; it turns out he is his brother Shan and he soon crosses paths with the Japanese. After defeating four of them Miyamoto wants Shan captured but attempts to deal with him fail, largely thanks to an honourable police inspector. Ultimately Shan and Miyamoto will face each other.Anybody expecting a film that is as good as the first is sure to be disappointed. Bruce Li does a decent enough job but he just is not in the same league as Bruce Lee. The story is simple enough and the action is intense if rather obviously choreographed… occasionally it looks more like dance or gymnastics than martial arts. The rest of the cast seem okay… although I admit that since I watched a dubbed version of the film I can't fairly judge them. As well as action there are some laughs; mostly provided by the Chinese translator who works for the Japanese against his own people. Overall this isn't a must see but if you enjoy the genre you might want to check it out.

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Frank Markland

Bruce Li stars in this sequel as the the brother of the character played by Bruce Lee in the original 1972 movie. However things have gotten worse for the Chinese since Bruce Lee's character died and the Japanese are so mean that they don't let them visit the grave of Lee's character, get killed constantly and worst of all they do it for no particular reason. I must admit that The Chinese Connection II might be at least a passable movie if available in Cantonese with subtitles because the dubbed version certainly doesn't provide enough background or plot to make this is even close to as enjoyable as the original first movie. Bruce Li does have a screen presence, this is a fact he has a quality about him which suggests he might've had more talent then just going into ludicrous dramatics while kicking the crap out of various people. What makes Chinese Connection II so disappointing is that it literally is nothing but endless action sequences with no story to make the action sequences mean anything. Don't get me wrong plot isn't very important, but I for one wanted a reason and motivation for Bruce Li's vengeance as well as why the bad guys did what they did. Unfortunately it's all vague and because of this the action sequences (while well staged) lack the overall edge a normal martial arts flick would have.*1/2 out of 4-(Poor)

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All right, here we have another of the infamous "Bruceploitation" films, with the most popular of the wannabes, Bruce Li. Hey, wait, come back, this is actually a good Bruceploitation movie! But first, we need a minor history lesson...In 1972, the real Bruce Lee stars in Jing Wu Men/Cheng Mo Mun/Fist of Fury/Chinese Connection (or whatever else you want to call it), and of course, it's a hit. In 1976, three years after Lee's death and four years after Fist of Fury, Lo Wei now decides to look for the "new Bruce Lee" to film New Fist of Fury, and reels in Jackie Chan, or, as he would bill him, "Sing Lung". Seeing as how this was to be an "official" sequel to Fist of Fury in using the same director as well as a couple of veteran cast members (Nora Miao Ker Hsiu and Han Ying Chieh), plus having a star who didn't exactly try to impersonate Bruce Lee for once, you'd think it'd be good. It wasn't. It was overly long, very slow both in pacing and fight scenes, and the ending was one of those endings that feels like the director and writer just thought "uh, we don't have a real ending planned... eh, this'll do". Overall, for being the only official Bruce Lee sequel, it was just boring and no fun whatsoever.However, around the same time, the Shah Brothers (no not the ShaW Brothers, the ShaH Brothers... big difference) had coined the simple name Fist of Fury Part II before Lo Wei could use it, and decided to make an unofficial sequel. Similar to New Fist of Fury, Fist of Fury Part II brought in a couple of veteran cast members, in this case Tien Feng and Li Kun, both reprising their roles from the previous film. Now, if New Fist of Fury was as bad as it was, you would think this would be worse... it's actually better. The storyline is more coherent in that it directly follows the events from the end of the first film starting with the funeral of Bruce Lee's character Chen Zhen. The story deals with the Japanese ignoring Chen Zhen's final request in that the Japanese were to leave the Jing Wu school in peace, but instead invade the school and occupy it. It is at this time that Chen Zhen's brother, Chen Shen (played by, who else, Bruce Li) pays his respects at his grave site. It is here that a Jing Wu student in hiding tells Chen Shen of the trouble the school is facing and that he must help.That's pretty much the plot as the film is heavy on action while Lo Wei's "official" New Fist of Fury was lacking in action. The best part is just how much attention was spent in recreating the Jing Wu school to look virtually identical to the set from the Golden Harvest studios. Also, the new villain this time around is Miyamoto played by Lo "Five Figners of Death" Lieh who has a pretty damn good final fight with Bruce Li. Overall, this is the best example of a Bruce Lee sequel and one of Bruce Li's best. There IS a Fist of Fury III that does continue from here following Chen Shen's return home and the continuation of the Japanese occupation... but it's not nearly as good as this one. Also, good luck finding an uncut version of this film as the current US DVD is taken from a British video which cuts out all uses of the nunchucks. Try to find an out of print NTSC video on eBay if you can. Overall, this is worthy of a 6/10. Decent story, above par "Bruceploitation acting", nice set design, and pretty good fights. Worth a look!

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This continues from where the original movie left off, with the brother of the Bruce Lee character coming in to help save the school Lee had been defending. Though there is at least some connection to the first movie, there is hardly any plot here, with most of the movie consisting of those evil Japanese beating the snot out of the Chinese characters who, except for our hero, are remarkably poor fighters. With our hero being the only capable Chinese fighter, I have to wonder if this appealed to Hong Kong audiences at the time.If there were some decent fights, this could have been mindless entertainment. Unfortunately, the fights, the sets, the rest of the production values are just like the typical shoddiness found in a typical H.K. movie of the period. Stick to Hong Kong movies from the 80s and 90s.

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