Final Impact
Final Impact
R | 07 February 1992 (USA)
Final Impact Trailers

A former kick-boxing world champion discovers a young fighter, and believes together they can win back the world crown.


Released in 1992, Final Impact has Kathleen Kinmont getting the starring credit even though she wasn't the film's lead character. Nevertheless it was still wonderful to see such a credit for her. Here she plays Maggie and coincidentally her Fraternity Vacation co-star Barbara Crampton would play a character by that name a few years later in The Bold and The Beautiful. It was delightful that Kathleen made her entrance here in a colourful one-piece swimsuit. Of course I prefer the bikini that she wore in Fraternity Vacation. In fact in another scene she wore a pink bikini and Barbara Crampton wore a pink bikini when they appeared together in Fraternity Vacation. Makes me wonder how Barbara would have looked in the red-white striped bikini that Kathleen wore in Fraternity Vacation. In this movie about boxing including the recruitment of a protégé, Kathleen was lovely in what she was given here including going through a certain tragedy of this movie.

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Thomas Jolliffe (supertom-3)

Once again in the land of low budget marital arts flicks we have another tournament film when a fighter wants to beat the number one ass kicker. The film is starring DTV legend Lorenzo Lamas and you would expect him to be the kickboxer seeking to be world champ. However in a surprising twist he is in fact an ex kickboxing champ who trains a young rookie (Michael Worth) so he can face off with the champ played by Jeff Langton. Lamas was defeated in embarrassing style by Langton and so sees this kid as a great vehicle to seek his vengeance. Of course by the end Lamas will have a mano-a-mano with Langton, we know this, but while we would expect that Lama's would win and rule the film, he loses and dies, leaving the diminutive Worth to win against the baddie. This attempt at doing something slightly different makes the film better than a lot of others of this genre. Lamas always seems to give hints that he can be a good actor but despite having the movie star looks he has never had a movie star charisma and as such his TV popularity has never transferred to the big screen. He's not a great thesp by the evidence of these martial arts flicks but you glimpse signs of talent every now and again and he certainly acts many other kick boxers off the park, lest we not forget he is a Golden Globe and Golden Satellite nominee. The fights are adequate and in all this is marginally entertaining. **

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You've seen this movie before. have. Rocky. The Karate Kid. Same thing.Lorenzo Lamas plays Nick Taylor, a former kickboxing champion. After losing a title fight, he figures he is all washed up. A few years pass and an up and coming talent named Danny (Michael Worth) looks for Nick's help. Danny wants a trainer to show him how to be the best fighter around.Anyway, you can fill in the rest of the plot from there. Nick trains Danny. Danny becomes the next kickboxing champion. THE END. If it doesn't sound very exciting, that's because it isn't. This type of film has been done much, much better before. Just look at the two flicks I already mentioned. 1/10

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Nick(Lorenzo Lamas) is an ex-kickboxing champion. He was cruelly beaten and to add insult to injury lost his wife to the new champion. Danny(Mike Worth) is a contender and Nick is his idol. Together they pair up to kick ass. But don't think you've got it all figured out. This is a throw back to when movies had a plot and characters were more then one dimensional. The whole cast is top quality. And Lamas is adorable in a cowboy hat and heavy jewelry.

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