Family Guy Presents: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side
Family Guy Presents: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side
| 22 December 2009 (USA)
Family Guy Presents: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side Trailers

Peter makes good on another power outage at home by retelling Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

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Cheese Hoven

This is the second of Family Guy's double length episodes, and like the first, Blue Harvest, is based on the Star Wars franchise. It should be a barrel of laughs but it is more like scraping the barrel.The one thing which made Family Guy stand out from the crowd were its cutaways. These are entirely absent here. So too is that other mainstay of FG, the interplay between Brian and Stewie. Deprived of these sources of comedy, the writers fall back on the same old recycled gags and in-jokes which have worn so thin.This was somewhat true of Blue Harvest too but that least managed to raise a few laughs. This present episode relies too much on audience recognition of its overly familiar characters and thinks that someone is going to think "oh look that's the evil monkey" and find that amusing in its self. Its not, its pure laziness.

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dee bro

This Family Guy movie is "just as funny" as the first one- Blue Moon. A couple of my favorite moments were the scene where Vader (Stewie) captures Peter and tells him that he will torture him! Peter says, "oh well, I don't won't to get tortured".. then he tells all of the secrets to vader "Luke is training on Dagobah, the rebel base is on Hoth, and I was the one who stopped up the toilet!" Then Vader tortures him anyway-- by forcing him to listen to some crappy 80's music-- Peter yells and hollers, then finally, he says owww, owww, owww...Funny stuff... Also, the radio talk, where he tells the guys to call him "Carlos Spicy weiner." One of the best scenes (this is totally an inside joke to the average "Star Wars Fanatic" is when Luke is about to climb in the X-Wing fighter and his co-pilot "Dax" says .."I feel like I can take on the whole empire!" and Luke tells everyone-- "Hey guys, Dax says he gots this one."....And Dax flies out into space and faces 20 Star Destroyers....and gets blown up!!!....That was hilarious...Ohh one more comment...When they freeze Peter in the carbon, and they are leaving, C-3po makes a comment "Since we know exactly where they are going, lets take 3 years to rescue him)--sweet...all inside jokes..And the last one is the comment where Lando is wearing Hans clothes at the end of the movie....Funny as heck..... What do you think??

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While Blue Harvest was very funny... TFG (Team Family Guy) blew it on this one.It took me a while to figure out how they made this video not so funny. This Empire parody looks great... but thats about it.As already pointed out, Peter/Solo insult and punches Lois Leia are out from no-where and serves no purpose. Compared to TFG episode in which Peter is on a Roadhouse craze and kicks everyone - including Lois, especially her the boob.** Spoiler a bit ** Like Pete Solo cursing Leia, instead of the originals "I know"... saying something like "I love me too" would have been funnier, who knows, I'm not a writer.The recent Robot Chicken 2.5 Special does a much better job with the same scene. You can see that yourself on adultswim's website.Anyways.. back to HOW TFG failed.Many of the lines in something something something (very un-funny stupid title) are right off of Empire. While Blue Harvest has almost no lines from A New Hope.Like in Blue Harvest, when the Death Star Fire control guys are complaining about "not having a rail to lean against". Sorry, some guys pretending to do something didn't cut it.What makes blue harvest and Family guy work is dialogue. Something Something has so little of it and totally ignores openings where they could have done something. Like when Chris Skywalker falls to the M.Falcon - there is NOTHING there. They could have had Chris fall into the arms of the ONLY black man in the movie and have him say "Who the Hell are you?!" - and trying to use his missing hand to hide his wallet. Anything! I bought this DVD sight un-seen. I thought I had missed it somehow on the local FOX channel. I wouldn't have wasted my $16 on this DVD. :(

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First of all, i'll admit I was going into this movie with a lot of expectations, considering how excellent Blue Harvest, and Family Guy in general is. If you also have these ridiculously high expectations, prepare for some degree of disappointment (Unless you like profanity and violence without context). There is just something wrong here, and longtime Family Guy fans are sure to see it (Oh dear God I hope). It's like they wanted to recreate the movie with their characters, rather than make a parody of it. Blue Harvest poked a lot of fun at some of the plot elements of A New Hope, yet Something x 3 Darkside seems to lack the same irreverent "haha wtf George Lucas" humour. There are of course, exceptions, like the "giant boob nipple gun" of Hoth, and the Bespin speeders. Peter/Solo's response to Lois/Leia before the freezing in carbonite just seemed unnecessary. Also, normally I don't mind the random violence on FG, but something about Peter's sudden punching out of Lois seemed off and unfunny as well. On the plus side, the Rocky training montage is awesome, the shot at Meg is spot on, plus the ending is a neat twist too. Overall, Something x 3 Darkside just doesn't take enough shots at the original, like Blue Harvest, to make it a good enough parody. Fingers crossed for the third.

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