| 02 October 2008 (USA)
Drona Trailers

Aditya is an orphaned and lonely young man. He soon learns that he belongs to a family of ancestral warriors who guard a mystic source of cosmic energy, and he must now take up his responsibilities.


Abhishek Bachchan and Priyanka Chopra in a sword and sorcery movie from Bollywood? That's certainly something different for me, and having two leading stars in this movie definitely provided that additional boost to pick up the DVD for closer scrutiny. Alas for a fantasy film, there's nothing groundbreaking in its special effects, action sequences or story, and if some kind of benchmark was to be set, then this would likely be at the level of Krull, and even then, Krull had a more coherent and intriguing premises than Drona.In Goldie Behl's creation, Drona refers to the long lineage of kings entrusted to protect the Nectar of Immortality, which demigods of the universe had decided to hide on Earth, under the constant eye of their chosen protector. Adit (Abhishek Bachchan) is the latest descendant of Dronas, but is unaware of his innate ability as protector of the world. In what seemed to be some vast similarities to Harry Potter, he lives with mean relatives and becomes a punching bag for their bullying, until he's awakened by his protector of sorts, the woman-warrior Sonia (Priyanka Chopra).So it becomes a discovery of his lineage, abilities and destiny, but this development plods along so slowly, coupled with Bachchan's constant brooding as Drona, that it makes it really infuriating to follow, and not to mention countless of over-dramatic moments each time he discovers a little something about himself or his abilities, or even his wardrobe, sword and trusty super steed. And in order to push this Drona into action, it had taken the villainous wizard Riz Raizada (Kay Kay Menon) a diabolical scheme to freeze Drona's mom (Jaya Bachchan) into suspended animation, and thereafter some really convenient plot development that allows the audience to follow Drona around in a rescue mission of sorts.Drona's abilities actually don't come off as well-defined, and you would've wondered at the amazing ability of his to fight off his opponents through various wire-fu moves. Battle sequences on the whole were rather lacklustre, and the big train action sequence came off as rather clunky and clumsy, and strictly meant for the kids. Costumes were rather average, and I thought Priyanka had to endure some really ridiculous outfits that tried too hard to make her look sexy yet fearsome as a warrior. The rare saving graces in the film were the numerous graphical and animated stills that get juxtaposed with the live action scenes. Those were really gorgeous to gawk at, together with some of the really ambitious special effects used to jazz up scenes, but a pity that the same can't be said of the film proper. And of course, Kay Kay Menon seemed to have a field day with a villain with a penchant for monologues through puppetry, and the creation of countless of clones to do his evil bidding and fight battles on his behalf. For a villain he had some of the best moments in being always one step ahead of the hero, until of course the decisive moment in the finale which was a real disappointment.No doubt Drona tried hard to be a one of a kind film in a genre seldom seen from Bollywood, but it contains more misses than hits, and lacked that fundamental quality that it's always about the story first, then special effects and action second. But as they say, the only way to go from here for this genre in Bollywood, is up. Watch only if you have some children to entertain.

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Rajeev Nambyar

The movie has no Plot. I very bad and dull story line. Very bad direction. Waste of computer graphics. Untimely songs, which will make the audience sick. A super hero movie without a single super hero action. And worst than a TV serial or cartoon. More over the actor abhishek with such a caliber should never committed for such a role which should be performed by some serial artist. The story,if published in some action comics also may not be standing in its feet. Please don't waste your tie seeing this movie. Go and eat a happy meal.. Please give your sugesstion to others, so they don't waste there time and money to see this !@#$

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...because people will be questioning why they had wasted 2+ hours on this snooze-fest. It is the most boring movie to come out this year. Thank God for giving man the brain to invent the fastforward buttons. The film overuses slow-motions to the extent that even in fast forward mode, things move slowly. The action sequences are pathetically executed and the special effects are tacky (to say the least). Goldie Behl is clearly proving to be one of the worst directors. Abhishek Bachchan wears only two expressions: that of looking clueless and that of...well, to quote a friend, think of a child who just had his toy taken away after which his face reddens before throwing a tantrum. Yes, that's the title character. Jaya Bhadhuri looks as though she really dreaded being a part of the movie and only did it for baby Bachchan's (who's trying to look like a man) sake. Priyanka Thopra acts like a zombie. She's supposed to be this action heroine who wears no expression and does the occasional item-number type dance. The only reason why I bothered with 'Drona' was because of Kay Kay Menon who's one of my favourite actors. I did enjoy his over the top villain act but the character is too much of a caricature. But I'm still thankful for the fast forward button and if the slow motions were reduced to normal speed, the movie would have finished in a good 30-45 minutes...and it would still be boring as I have experienced. Plus, the songs deserve to be fast-forwarded too. The ridiculous ending promises a sequel but I hope the film bombs badly enough to avoid any further torture.

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To those folks who haven't watched this movie....please do NOT watch this movie. The thing which i do not understand IS that why do Indian directors lack the vision and imagination required to make a fantasy movie!!! I can't even give the movie some credits for a nice attempt because a decent attempt would have resulted in the movie ten times better then this one!! ZERO IN ACTING...ZERO IN COSTUMES...ZERO IN ANIMATION..ZERO IN ORIGINALITY..and the sets look so artificial that even a 2 year old can tell the difference.There should be an option of rating 0/10 on IMDb,b'cause this movie deserves a BIG 0.

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