Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound
Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound
PG | 10 July 1993 (USA)
Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound Trailers

Mr. Money is holding another World Martial Arts Tournament and Mr. Satan invites everyone in the world to join in. Little does he know that Bojack, an ancient villain who has escaped his prison, is competing. Since Goku is currently dead, it is up to Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks to defeat Bojack and his henchman.


You know how DBZ has that issue where a lot of the fights will be awful one-sided as one fighter kicks the crap out of the other for way too long? Well, that's this movie in a nutshell. Really, there's nothing to spoil. It doesn't even give the illusion of tension. Everything from Act 2 on is just playing the waiting game.The first bits, admittedly, are actually pretty fun. We see all the minor DBZ characters get a few moments of glory (sans Vegeta and Yamcha) and Tien and Future Trunks also get a nice friendly brawl at the beginning that ends once Trunks goes Super Saiyan.Sidebar: the reason for Future Trunks being in this movie is incredibly contrived, but Future Trunks is an awesome character so I really don't care. Too bad the movie doesn't let him be his awesome character and instead turns him into Bojack's punching bag.However, therein lies the main problem with this movie: the fights are all just waiting for someone to power up and turn the tables. Trunks gets the tar beaten out of him by one of Bojack's goons until he powers up and kills the dude. Bojack's goons kick the crap out of Yamcha and Tien and then proceed to do the same to Gohan, and then once Piccolo and Vegeta enter the fight proper Bojack kicks the crap out of them, then Gohan.And then Gohan powers up and proceeds to own all the bad guys lickety-split. The fights aren't even that interesting. There's no moments I can point to that I remember distinctly, and I LITERALLY just finished watching the movie no more than 10 minutes ago. It's just that boring and that forgettable.Bojack's also an incredibly boring villain. He has no on-screen back story, none of the fights he's in carry any kind of weight or engagement, and he has no lines to give him any kind of character.Team Four Star might rate this movie high on their list, but for me, it was just a chore to sit through. Watch Super Android 13 instead.

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John Doe

This is a really fun Dragon Ball Z movie with a lot of action. Bojack is as mean and evil as Broly is and is equally as strong too. The film is only fifty minutes long but it plays well for it's story. This film is the first time Gohan goes Super Saiyan 2 in a movie as well which is very cool. This is another great Dragon Ball Z movie for your collection as the fight scenes and story are very good.I give Bojack Unbound a 8/10

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There's probably a spoiler here. Who knows? People spoil so much more easily than they used to.As a general rule, martial arts films are fairly stupid. Animated martial arts films are, as a general rule, terminally stupid. I will be the first to admit that the Dragonball Z material, which is extensive, isn't the most absolutely stupid, although at times it comes perilously close.Those who are unfamiliar with this subset of the genre, the Dragonball series concerns the dynasty of muscle-bound martial arts superheroes founded by an alien (Seiyan), Goku. He was sent to Earth to destroy it as an infant, but forgot all about it an became the closest thing to Li'l Abner seen in modern anime (he's hugely strong, mild of manner, and innocent to the point of impraticality.You would think the series would actually be about "Dragonballs". Well, it sort of is, occasionally. These little orange balls with stars on them, if collected together, allow the possessor to call up a gigantic magic dragon that will grant a wish. At times where's a lot of plot business connected with rivalry in getting the balls. However, at other times the dragonballs completely disappear. This is one of those times.Instead we get lots of martial arts and of course the other thing associated with Dragonball Z, overabundant and overdone "comic relief" -- which is too self-consciously "comic" and from which there is little relief. A lot of this is provided here by a stock Dragonball character, Hercule. The reader is referred to an other "Hercule", Clouseau's assistant in the early Pink Panther films (and clearly a parody of a third Hercule, namely Poirot). The Panther Hercule is only marginally brighter than Clouseau ... the Dragonball Hercule is more than marginally less bright. Despite the clearly greater martial powers of the Goku dynasty and other fighters, he always manages to retain the title of World Martial Arts Champion through some fluke. For a while, Hercule has no idea he's benefited from other than his own skills, but by the time of the "Bojack" film, he's well aware of his position at the bottom of the totem pole.You won't see much it here, but Dragonball comedy tends to use laughable names for its characters, particularly villains -- such as the perennial Garlic Jr.As is usual with Dragonball, there is a martial arts contest and it turns into a serious threat to the continued existence of Earth. The threat is then dealt with (with lots of cliffhangers) by a member of the Goku dynasty. (By the way, nobody ever explains how the continued mating of the Goku dynasty members with Earth people fails to produce weaker and weaker offspring. If anything, this genetic dilution seems to produce stronger results. On the other hand, expecting things in this series to make any real sense in the real universe is very, very foolish.The "Bojack" film is fairly harmless and will no doubt fascinate kiddies whose educational prospects are limited. Nevertheless, I urge you not to buy this turkey. The reason is simple: it is preceded by 2 blatant and obnoxious commercials that can't be bypassed. If you want to watch the film, you have to watch the commercials.Shades, we hope, NOT of things to come.

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This DBZ movie is a must buy! One of the classic DBZ movies. This movie finally takes place in the right place, about 1 year after destroying cell. This movie might no have Goku fighting in it, but it is still extremely good. A tournament is held from people across the the galaxy.(Including Bojack and his henchman) and after they kill the other fighters in the final tournament, Gohan, Future Trunks, krillin,tien,Yamcha,Piccolo,and Vegeta all come to the scene. Another thing is that Tien and Yamcha actually fight again(Since DBZ movie 3) even though they last about 30 seconds at fighting bojacks henchman. The animation is great. The battle scenes are awesome. The enemy is actually cool. The only thing its lacking is good metal/rock music to add to it. In English anyway. One other thing that I don't like to much about is Hercule. As usual he's a little idiot who is afraid to fight and somehow he is a worldhero again for what Gohan did. Also it finally features gohan going SPOILER------------------SSJ2. This is a must have DBZ collection item.

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