Double Trouble
Double Trouble
| 19 October 1984 (USA)
Double Trouble Trailers

A stuntman and a saxophonist stand in for two billionaires threatened by killers.


This was sadly the last good movie Bud and Terence did together, but even then it was obvious Bud Spencer was no longer as fit as he used to be. In previous movies you could really believe that the power in his punches could really have the effect they did. In this one though, he appears sluggish and seems to lack that power he had in previous movies. Age was surely taking its toll on him physically, which is probably why we only got one more movie after this one before they called it quits. Both men played dual roles in this movie set in Brazil and I have to say they were surprisingly delightful as two toffee nosed, upper-class wimps. It showed just what comedy skills they had and they could do more than just play tough guys. Classic line in this movie by Bud Spencer "I AM my dietitian!"

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A jazz musician and a stunt man are the spitting image of two millionaire brothers. They take the job to replace them in Rio de Janeiro when someone plans to assassinate them. Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill reunite for a fun comedy where they play 2 roles and they go against a whole army which is easily the best scene from the whole movie especially that scene where Spencer kept slapping this dude this isn't one of their best movies that they did together but it's a tone of fun and it's not boring it's just that the jokes are a hit and a miss honestly this is still a great movie that is funny and a lot of fun if you love this 2 together you will not be disappointed. Double the Fun, Double the Action. 7.5/10

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Veronika Vykoukalova

This is one of the movies that never fail to make me laugh like crazy. You see, I'm part of the generation that grew up on watching movies by duo SPencer and Hill, and the TV here in Czech never failed to deliver me my fix of comedy with the repeats of them.The idea of the movie is probably not the most original under the sun, but I think it's delivered with such quality that it's worth watching, and repeatedly. I'm not sure about other dubbings, but I think that the Czech version is very good, and definitely adds on appeal of this movie. Not to mention the jokes, and the slapping fights! "The fact that he calls himself Tango in the land of Samba, tells us he's a complete idiot."

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2 Bud Spencers and 2 Terence Hills in this one; they play two Brazilian millionaires with many enemies AND their exact lookalikes, a saxophone player who is often in trouble with the law and a daring stuntman, who are hired by the millionaires to impersonate them for a week.No doubt you are familiar with the term "one-joke comedy". Well, "Double Trouble" is a little better than that: it's a two-joke comedy. The first joke is that the rude and crude lookalikes try to adapt to the real millionaires' lifestyle and end up turning it upside down, and the second is that only one Hill-Spencer pair can fight as usual (guess which); the other two are snobbish sissies who always run away from fights. It's fun to watch Hill and Spencer playing against type (half the time), and Spencer in particular gives one of his most joyful performances. And the editing that allows all four of them to be on screen together in some scenes is seamless. But during the long segments between the fight scenes, I completely lost interest in the movie. (**)

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