Doom Asylum
Doom Asylum
R | 02 March 1988 (USA)
Doom Asylum Trailers

A demented former lawyer uses autopsy equipment to kill off the teenagers who trespass on the long-abandoned asylum he inhabits. Filmed on location in an actual abandoned asylum.


A terrible girl metal rock trio and five annoying teenagers crash at the sight of an old asylum, in ruins, closed ten years after a lawyer went berserk on two morticians due to the loss of his girlfriend(..we see at the opening that Mitch, the lawyer, had won a settlement for Judy as they were planning a trip to Palm Springs, having to swerve off the road before hitting a van while engaged in kissing while driving, resulting in a devastating car crash). The lawyer, pretty much a rotted corpse, stalks those in the asylum, killing each with a coroner's tools of the trade.For bad movie lovers Doom Asylum is a pot of gold, for everyone else, except REALLy tolerant slasher fans, will probably wish they'd chosen their time more wisely. I've never seen such characters willingly invite execution when there were plenty of chances to scoot. I imagine that a good scary movie could've been shot(..particularly at night) in the dilapidated asylum, but unfortunately Doom Asylum was made in it's stead. This will undoubtedly be of interest to fans of Kristin Davis, of Sex and the City fame, but I have to imagine she has disowned it. I watched a badly cut VHS version so my rating could go up once I check out the Code Red release(..even if the movie sucks, those guys at CR always put together excellent special features, going out of their way to get the goods on the goings-on behind-the-scenes), because a good bit of obvious gore was plucked from our eyes. Patty Mullen, as a dense blonde(..modeled as a nincompoop for laughs)is a major league babe, mostly in a tiny bikini as she attempts to flee her pursuer when her dim-bulb hunk Dennis(Kenny L Price, whose indecisiveness is played for giggles)gets his piggies clipped. The filmmakers put these huge glasses on Davis, having her talk like psychiatrists(..both her parents are shrinks), so that she'll appear dorky, but we can see even in a one-piece bikini there's a hotness there. The grotesque make-up work for Mitch(Michael Rogen), the psycho, is strictly so-so, but adequate enough considering the low budget the producers probably had at their disposal. Despite the sadism, the tone remains goofy..whether you find the movie funny or not will determine the viewer's sense of humor. The acting, while cringe-worthy, might be a plus to fans of rancid cinema. The girl rockers I found insufferable, particularly the lead singer with a cackle laugh.

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"Doom Asylum" is an extremely weird but massively amusing 80's shlock, seemingly made by a bunch of high school friends without any money but with energy and enthusiasm to spare, with an overload of wannabe comical elements and truly delightful over-the-top gore make up effects. The killer is a heavily burned car accident survivor whose beloved young and sexy mistress died at the scene. He actually only has himself to blame for the accident, but nevertheless it drove him mad enough to encroach in the basement of a ramshackle asylum for ten years; with nothing better to do than watching old horror movies and practicing Scooby Doo's laugh. Then, suddenly, there are two groups of trespassers in one day! A trio of rock chicks break into the asylum to rehearse their god-awful music (it's just noise, really) and some messed up nerdy teenagers that truly have the worst taste in picking out an idyllic spot for camping. This happy bunch features the most indecisive guy in the universe ("We'll be right back… Maybe it'll take longer… Perhaps we shouldn't go") and the future "Sex and the City" top starlet Kristin Davis. Her character Jane walks around in a tight and white see-through bathing suit and wears glasses as thick as pastry jars. Basically, she's a geek whose cheek bones are cut in half with a buzz saw! Awesome! It's a small miracle that she managed to even build up an acting career after this. "Doom Asylum" is a terribly bad late 80's amateur-trash effort, but still very entertaining if you set your standards low. The humor is so lame it becomes a different type of funny and at least 20% of the film is pure and shameless filler. Director and co-writer Richard Friedman obviously is a big fan of 30's horror icon Tod Slaughter, as the film features long pieces of footage of "Sweeney Todd", "Murder in the Red Barn", "The Crimes of Stephen Hawke" and others. Personally I always appreciate homage towards old horror cinema – especially to someone as often overlooked as Tod Slaughter – but did the scenes really had to be so long? The obvious aspects to love about "Doom Asylum" are undoubtedly the extreme gore effects and imaginative death sequences. There's some toe-cutting, acid drowning, stethoscope-strangulation, buzz-sawing and one poor girl is even completely turned into a meat cube. Oh, how I love the 80's.

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Very, very bad. Bad script...bad acting.A few reasons why it's worth seeing --Great filming location -- a magnificent, creepy old abandoned asylum in New Jersey, Essex Mountain Sanatorium. The sanatorium has an excellent web site that chronicles its history from construction to demolition, plus some information on Doom Asylum.Kirstin Davis -- I'm sure she's ashamed of it now, but cool to see her in her first acting role while still at Rutgers.

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Surviving a horrible car accident the survivor settles in an abandoned asylum. Time after the accident, a group of teens sneak into the asylum just to be brutally murdered by the survivor of the mentioned accident. The disfigured and demented man kills his victims using medical instruments in gruesome ways. The lone survivor of these teens (as usual) discovers a terrible secret that has to do with the killer.Awful slasher, poor directed, poorly acted, filled with horrible f/x and makeup. When I picked this trash from the video store I couldn't resist laughing at the cover. I guess I rented it because I wanted to discover what was the deal of the killer. During the movie the killer tries to act like Leatherface, and I say he looks plain stupid. This is not the kind of slasher to watch more than once, it's gory but it isn't entertaining. This slasher's running time is 77 minutes, 15 of the minutes show footage of another unknown crappy movie and commercials the killer watches on his t.v.! You have to watch it to believe it.The asylum is scary, and some of the pretended scares (lamely) worked with such a creepy setting. The lead character is one of the Sex and The City women, so that's the most important fact of this trash.Watch it just once! Surely it won't send shivers up your funny bone, but it will give you something to discuss on a bad horror movies board. 2/10 -After watching it, immediately boot it to the trash can!

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