Dog Trouble
Dog Trouble
NR | 18 April 1942 (USA)
Dog Trouble Trailers

Tom's chasing Jerry when he runs right into a sleeping dog and the two of them must work together to fend him off.


Tom and Jerry teams up again, this time to deal with Spike, the mean, ruthless bulldog which happens to be in Mammy Two-Shoe's house. Tom and Jerry seems to always have a love-hate friend relationship going on, but it works in these cartoons and make the stories unpredictable and unique. Lots of fun here.Grade B+

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This cartoon gave the audience the introduction of Spike. You can see that Spike in this early cartoon was much more vicious and attacked everyone for no reason, when Tyke entered in, his personality started to soft.The Story is that Tom and Jerry are doing what they do best: chasing each other. That is, until Spike enters the scene, and he starts to chase both Tom and Jerry, making them team up against the bulldog.This cartoon sometimes is low on gags, and sometimes make you wish that you were watching the late 40's and 50's Tom and Jerry. But I know that this cartoon still have a important value to the history of cartoons.And this cartoon have a nice thing : they team up for the first time on the series. And in the end, Tom and Jerry return to their normal chase.Yeah, I recommend it to every Tom and Jerry fan, even a little bit more than Fraidy Cat.

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An excellent episode of Tom and Jerry, Dog Trouble sees the famous arch-enemies team up to fight a common foe: Spike, a snarling, toothy bulldog whose sole purpose in life seems to be to chase anything that moves and try to eat it.After a little 'cat and mouse' action (natch) from the world's greatest cat and mouse, this episode really gets going when Spike joins in on the fun, after being disturbed whilst napping (a common theme in later T&J cartoons). Tom and Jerry become trapped by the dog and, on realising that they are both in the same predicament, put aside their differences to plan their escape.This one is pure class, and anyone who doesn't find the sight of Spike leaping through the air to try and snap at Tom's tail extremely funny needs to get their sense of humour an overhaul. Top animation, a great soundtrack, and wonderful characterisation all go to make this an better-than-average episode.

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Sigh... Why can't cartoons be made like this anymore? The plot line is so simple -- an angry dog (soon to be known as "Spike") is after both Tom and Jerry, who have to learn to work together to get the better of him. The pacing is perfect--not too frantic, but never dull. It's a little disconcerting to see a more crudely drawn Spike lacking the personality he would later have, but he does act much more like a real dog in this cartoon. I especially like the soundtrack of "Dog Trouble." Jerry's musical "laugh" is adorable, and Tom's jazzy trombone motif is classy and catchy. So many cartoons today feel hyper and disorienting. The classic era of Tom and Jerry couldn't be more different than this. I feel like I could easily find my way around the T&J house, and I even have a good idea of the furniture and dishes I might find there. This careful use of physical space, quality music, and even pacing creates a cartoon that is pleasing and entertaining for any age viewer.

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