Divorcing Jack
Divorcing Jack
| 01 October 1998 (USA)
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He's Irish, he's ageing, he drinks, is a touch cynical and when he has time writes a newspaper column. On the eve of the country's first election as an independent state, Dan Starkey's life is about to change after he finds the young woman he has just made love to dead and his only ally is a nun

mike c

Started as a comedy, turned real dark. I thought this was an excellent film i'd never heard of. Of course US distributors are always scared of thick accents, that's why so few of us have seen the great Twin Town. David Thewlis was outstanding, very funny & believeably serious when things went dark.

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Very well made I thought. Had its funny moments and the whole nation using swear words was quite interesting actually. I especially liked the no-b******t kind of villainy depicted in this movie. Very enjoyable, definitely watch this.

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Normally my instinct-- on the few occasions I am exposed to utter tripe-- is to walk away without complaining. Let others see the film and make up their own minds. Who knows, some might even like it. Chacun a son gout.But this waste product is so puffed in its own conceit it begs me to comment. It is the worst movie/DVD experience of my life. I was trapped by company or I would have walked out-- of my own house! It purports to be a comedy. It is not funny. It purports to be a commentary on the turmoil of Northern Ireland. It is nothing more than the typical cheapjack cynicism the British pass off as political insight. It purports to star David Thewlis. Unfortunately it does. The premise of this movie is so painfully weak that it falls apart like wet toilet paper even to describe it. Let us just say that someone with a high school equivalency degree will guess the significance of the phrase "divorcing jack" long before the Thewlis character does-- and that the tedium of waiting for Thewlis's character to catch up is not enlivened by a succession of ridiculous characters such as the nun imposter (oh, haha, heehee), the unbelievable Boston Globe reporter or the overdrawn IRA gunman (Jason Isaacs, who should choose his roles better.) What really keynotes this as a bad movie for me is that the discovery of what the Big Secret is, the rationale behind all these deaths, takes place OFF SCREEN-- and then someone has to sit down in another scene and painfully tell Thewlis all about it. An anticlimax to an anticlimax, and so typical of the incompetence of this director!

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Easily the most hyped film ever made in Northern Ireland, 'Divorcing Jack' falls very short of expectations. Billed as a refreshing satire on the petty bigotries that dominate Northern Irish life and the attempt by some to gloss over them, this is pretty heavy handed stuff.Desperately trying to be as hip as Danny Boyle's 'Trainspotting,' David Caffrey's film lacks bite. David Thewlis, an accomplished actor, is totally at sea in the lead role - his accent is all over the place - as are other quality actors like Robert Lindsay and Jason Isaacs. The journalist anti-hero is the same old stereotype of the hard drinking, womanising hack we have grown tired of seeing onscreen and bears no reality to the real life models.The difference between the anti-hero here and the anti-hero, Boyle in Oliver Stone's brilliant 'Salvador' is the latter is still human. James Woods' character in 'Salvador' is believable. David Thewlis's character is merely a cartoon sketch by comparison.And at least Stone's film has some things to say about American involvement in Central America and the relationship between journalists and their sources. 'Divorcing Jack,' by way of contrast, has practically nothing to say. It can only offer feeble humour about the political stereotypes in the province - loyalist hard men, republican hard men and new model Irish republicans. What's all the more appalling is the smug way it tries to pass off this shoddy humour.The one bright spark in the film is Rachel Griffith's performance. But all in all, this is pretty dismal stuff. Here's hoping 'Wild About Harry' is much, much better!

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