Dead Tone
Dead Tone
| 24 August 2007 (USA)
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As another semester draws to a close at the University of Dreyskill, a simple game dreamt to help students avoid studying becomes a bloody battle for survival.

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This is a very good film. High production values; good direction. There are really good scares and lots of tension. Plus there is a lot of gore throughout.It has a violent montage in the opening credits which seems a bit gonzo -- but it does grab your attention and works for the plot. It's odd, most reviewers are claiming this film is just a "Scream" rip-off. Not at all. It does have a twist that is almost identical to a famous 1981 slasher, but it is well updated and put to good use.Another oddity: reviewers are claiming the film has a bad script and/or bad acting. I don't get it. This film is well cast and the acting is really on the mark. As for the script -- it made perfect sense to me. No holes in it at all. One last note -- this film isn't a throw-back to the 80s. The film feels up to date. Gay characters aren't just there for comedic relief. The black characters are real, interesting and sympathetic. I think the film avoids clichés while still working within the constraints of the genre.I will definitely watch this film again.

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If Scream was never made, this would be a really good movie.Unfortunately it is completely a rip off of the movie.Similar plot and the slasher even looks like the scream guy! I mean, no mask but his jacket's hood is the same shape as the scream mask! It's sort of insulting that the similarity is so close.Too bad too since as a stand along movie, it is actually tight and interesting. I would have given it 8 stars.But you can't completely steal another movie's plot and expect to get a good review!Next time, hire a better script writer!

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This film is an incredibly mixed bag of a horror movie. It is y scenes, but not enough of them to actual credit the movie with good writing. The opening is pretty stupid, and feels like something a 12 year old would think up as a scary opening.A huge problem with this movie that goes against slasher formula, is that none of the women are good looking at all. Normally they are just cast to look nice on screen and less for their actual acting ability. However, the women in this movie are neither good looking, or able to act.Rutger Hauer is in the movie for around 10 minutes worth, though he does not really move the plot forward at all. It felt more like he owed someone a favor and was written into the film to reach a larger viewing base. He does a decent enough job with having no good dialogue. He just intensely stares into the camera, which is scarier than any of the actual horror moments the film presents.After the initial characterizations, when the killer finally shows up, the film really gets going. The special effects are not that good, but it still presents us with enough fun to make it memorable. I had a good time watching this movie and if you are a fan of slashers, this will definitely pass the time. Has a nice conclusion as well.The Good- Fun slasher, decent enough gore, some funny moments, ending.The Bad- ugly people, below average acting, bad opening scene.--- Note: The original name of the movie is '7eventy 5ive'. If you look carefully, you will see that number in various places throughout the film.

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OK for starters so this movie could be considered a scream Ripoff But... I thought it was kind of clever how then invented the whole 75 second concept. The acting was okay.. The action was quite good for your standard Slasher film & it seems like they used a reasonable budget on it compared to many slasher films as this is normally a really low budget film area. Many slashers are done for well under $100,000(US) I would guess by watching this movie it might have cost maybe $5 mil to make. & I thought the ending was OK But I wont tell you anything about the ending in case you watch itI think its worth a 6 1/2 But if you want to pick holes in it for being a scream ripoff maybe it is a 4.5 But its not a bad movie anyway

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