Dead Genesis
Dead Genesis
| 10 August 2010 (USA)
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Seven months have passed since the dead took over. Many cities and states have been abandoned and left to die. Several self sufficient hunting groups have been established to take on the threat in a war aptly referred to as the 'War on Dead'. Jillian Hurst, a former news writer and amateur documentarian, has set out to make a pro-war propaganda film to support the W.O.D. She joins up with a pack of renegade hunters known infamously to North America as 'the deadheads'. The moral dynamics and hardships of fighting in a war against the undead are told from several different perspectives.


I watch a lot of zombie movies. Bad ones, good ones, TERRIBLE ones. Dead Genesis definitely falls under the terrible heading. First, I'll address the opening scene. Yes, it depicts a zombie mother eating her child. It is not as jarring as the filmmaker intended. Mainly, the child (and I don't like to pick on kids) is an atrocious actor. It was pretty cringe worthy. It looked like the kind of performance you'd expect from a couple of 12 year old's messing around with dad's video camera, not an actual movie that people pay to see. And, believe me, it's only down hill from there. The audio is horrendous. The acting, amateurish would be a compliment. The story, lame and derivative. The only thing that could have saved it would have been some over the top violence and tits 'n ass. Unfortunately for Dead Genesis, there is neither. As for the reviews praising the films "deep, philosophical story". I can only imagine those individuals have an invested interest in the production. Sucks to be them. Skip this piece of garbage. Go watch: Exit Humanity, Wyrmwood: Road Of The Dead, The Horde or even the new season of Z- Nation is kind of promising. Don't waste your time with Dead Genesis. Thank me later...

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I know how cliché this is going to sound, but for such a low budget, this film has a powerful message. Zombies. US Civil War. Any Civil War. This film could be a story about any conflict where one side is fighting people who used to be on their side. The blood, violence, depravity, and gore of this film should satisfy the viewers who just want a straight horror flick. But the real impact of this film comes from a very basic but profound question-is it excusable in times of war to kill those you used to love simply because they are on the opposite side? And further, what is the emotional and psychological impact on the people at the front lines who have to face that question and rationalize their actions every day? And can anyone who doesn't live it every day ever truly understand or reasonably criticize those who do?I know how silly this sounds for a zombie movie because, believe me, I've seen and enjoyed A LOT of them. But the truth is that the reason this film could be produced so cheaply and still be so effective is because it doesn't take many special effects or camera tricks to capture may not be zombies, but these same external and internal battles are happening everyday across the globe and have throughout history.But just to be clear- this film doesn't make you think too much. You can still enjoy it as a blood and guts horror flick because the bigger message is so obvious that it doesn't really require any deep thought.I hope you give this film a try. PS. I disagree with the filming creating motion sickness. The first time i saw The Blair Witch Project it made me sick. This is much easier to watch, especially since most of the film ends up not being on a hand-held cam.

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I was really disappointed in this film, the acting was awful especially the lead girl, talk about unmoving she was useless The beginning sees a woman eating her sons guts and his dad looking on until he shoots her, then the young lad turns and his dad had to kill him too, I did not like this due to it being a child.Then we move on to weeks later and zombies are everywhere and groups form to kill them. Enter the reporter girl she joins a team based in a wood and wants to make a documentary on what they are doing. Here the acting is awful and pointless.One scene where some of the team go to a bar run by this man with the most hideous voice I have ever heard! The whole film is just a waste of time and the zombies are dumb not too scary.Give it a clear miss.

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This is one hell of a zombie movie. It's been along time since any zombie flick that I've seen has managed to capture the spirit of those classic Romero movies. It's got the social commentary angle going for it and that traditional zombie spirit as well. Dead Genesis also manages to have one of the most graphic and gory openings to a zombie film that I've ever seen. Many have the grand epic openings, this is much more personal and disturbing. It's a simple story (almost like the flip side of Diary of the Dead) where an attractive documentary filmmaker is making a film about the War on Dead. The War on Dead of course is a metaphor for the recent War on Terror. This filmmaker heads out into the woods and spends some time with a group of zombie hunters called the dead heads. Now this is where the movie slows down a bit. But I like it, it takes a much more psychological view on the zombie apocalypse then other zombie movies do. And based on the ratings here, I don't think many people seem to "get" the movie. She follows these zombie hunters along for a few days and starts to see that maybe everything isn't what it seems. These hunters (who state numerous times that they're trying to protect humanity) are far worse than the flesh eating ghouls who wander around seeking food. It's a brisk and interesting hour and a half, good bits of dialogue between characters, and plenty of blood and guts through out. There are a few things that don't quite work. This is definitely and low to no budget horror film. A few of the actors don't exactly hit the mark. It's also obvious that there wasn't much money to work with as some of the locations are pretty bland in parts. But it does have a lot of heart and that's where it counts. I read an interview with the director who said that he was directly influenced by Romero. This is clearly evident while watching the movie. It manages to echo the original Dead trilogy in a way that I haven't seen other low budget zombie films do. This one remembers that it's the characters and story that counts, not the zombies.If you can find a way to check it out, I highly recommend that you do.

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