Alright, well first surprise of the movie was when the intro started and the movie was in German. I didn't know that Lloyd Kaufman and Troma Team dabbled in German movies.But moving along, "Dead Eyes Open" was shot in a way so that it looked like something from the 1970's, which might work well for some viewers, but it didn't sit well with me. I was so annoyed at that right from the very beginning; from the crappy quality of the screen, to the effects they added to it to make it look old. And what was up with showing the same scene a second time over and over, but only showing it in a red nuance the second time around? That was nonsense.Alright, given it is a German movie, and the language is harsh-sounding, this movie was somewhat of a disappointment. The dialogue is painful to listen to, it is forced through and it is halting, stuttering and embarrassing. No one talks that way, not now, not even back in the 70's.To pull out a scene from the movie that didn't make sense at all, one of the girls in the group had to go and pee, and with an entire forest around her, fields on the other side, she had to go and pee on a small graveyard, had to desecrate the graves, when there was all that space and land around her? What the... Why?I actually dozed off during the movie and was out a couple of minutes. Then I was rudely brought back to consciousness by a loud sound in the movie, so I continued to watch it, hoping it would improve. 'Hoping' being the keyword here.And then they finally decided to introduce us to the zombies, to finally let us see the zombies. And when I saw the first two zombies, I turned off the movie. I couldn't take that seriously. It looked like two girls that had toilet paper glued to their faces, and then some paint had been added for effects. Wow, it was horrible.I didn't even make it to see George A. Romero's appearance in the movie. And it really makes me wonder just how in the Hell did they manage to bring cult legend Romero into this piece of artistic crap!?Being a huge zombie aficionado, I found this movie to be boring, and somewhat of an insult to the zombie genre. The coolest part about this movie was the DVD cover, which had somewhat of a Dawn of the Dead style going on.
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