| 08 March 2016 (USA)
Darkweb Trailers

A mysterious group has created a sadistic venture. Kidnapping young women, they auction the rights to hunt them to millionaires with a thirst for blood - and broadcast the hunt on the dark web for the world to see.


Words cannot describe how bad this movie is. The acting, the storyline, just everything. It should have been burned. Danny Glover must have been blackmailed into appearing in this piece of crap.

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Remy Carpentier

Dark Web isn't a terrible film, but it's not all that interesting. Some of the action scenes were pretty cool and I'll even go so far as to say Danny Glover gets some cool points for his small role. Other than that The cinematography is pretty cool : good quality video, just bad acting... While it might not be a terrible film, Dark Web still isn't good a good one. First off why even call it "Dark Web" since the film doesn't have anything to do with it? Sure they name drop it throughout (the monitors even flash the name "Dark Web"), but they could have called this film anything but that. There's a title out in France for this film called "Hunting Games", but that sounds too close to "The Hunger Games" (I honestly didn't care for that film either – Battle Royale people). Then there's the lack of suspense or any kind of tension; you'd think a chick being hunted would get the excitement flowing, but it's a slow...

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As has been noted by the other reviews of this movie, it's no great shakes. For me though, it hits close to the "so bad it's good" mark. The fact that the makers of the film seemed to take it seriously while at the same time falling so short kept me watching. I think the film makers set the bar pretty low when they put a typo in the opening credits. "With the Exceptionnal Participation of Danny Glover". That's not me putting two n's in exceptional. That's me quoting the movie credits.Sadly you can bet that any movie Danny Glover is in these days will be low budget, but this one is just bad enough to have a laugh at or perhaps with... after all to quote another line from the dialogue "I was beginning to think this movie would never end"

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This film attempted to introduce an environment where men hunt women for sport. There were terrible attempts at twists and there's virtually no depth in any character.Never mind that this film was extremely low budget. The acting is horrendous, sound editing and dubbing of voices is awful. The action sequences are cut so much that you only see a before and after, due to lack of effects and cinematography.If you still insist on watching, be ready for an extremely low budget action/sci-fi that is boring, cheesy and unfulfilling in nearly every possible aspect.

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