Darkest Day
Darkest Day
| 15 May 2015 (USA)
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Dan wakes up on a beach with no memory. He discovers an empty city ravaged by a deadly virus. After befriending a small group of survivors it soon becomes clear the army are hunting him down, and the group are forced on a dangerous journey to escape.


Do not watch! What lack of creativity! Idiot mix of a group of young alcoholics who are hiding and do not have the least consistency of having a normal life, until the arrival of a new member of the group who use the comparison only by lack of memory. The unfolding of the film saves only a beautiful attempt at a photograph of the open fields. Scenes of speed to annoy, not to mention the terrible expression of the actors. Movie of spoiled teenagers.

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This movie was very unique unique in terms of story or acting. The strength of Darkest Day is in the cinematography, visual effects, and editing. In the end, all parts fit together fairly well for an enjoyable, tension filled experience. What made this film particularly interesting to me is the fact that I'm strangely attracted to such things as "infected". Though the film is a pretty straightforward example of an interesting subject, Darkest Day is not only surprisingly fun, but also somewhat pivotal to understanding what people would go through in a situation like these people are in. I enjoyed this movie overall. I give Darkest Day a solid 9.

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Goran Poposki

Like i said, there is a lesson to be learned here especially for new/future film makers, and we will get to it later.First of all, this film feels like its made by students for their final exam, as they usually rush for the cliché zombie film. But i have to admit i expected much less from this film. The acting was pretty good. There is a decent story (looking over the cliché zombie apocalypse part), and the is rather unusual (as expected from low budget films).A big problem with this film is the fact that, the director, Dan Rickard, was doing everything acting, production and writing wise. The director should be the one who only directs, sure he could help around, but not do literally everything. In this case hes the director, writer, cinematographer, editor, special effects, visual effects and above all hes the main character.All signs point to a person who really wanted to make a film, and get big, but not have enough experience. Although he is a pretty good writer.I will be honest though, i have almost made the exact same mistake of rushing a film, good thing i saw my error before it got out of hand.All in all, if you're a new/future film maker, than id recommend watching this film so you can learn what mistakes not to make in the future. But if you're just looking for a film to watch i would not recommend watching this.

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Never has a film inspired me so much to come on-line and write a review. An absolute garbage filmNot sure if this is a spoiler alert but trust me nothing could spoil this film - just in case... spoiler alert!!!Clearly a rip off from 28 days later but thats OK... The zombie genre is saturated now and its hard to be original - I'm actually OK with a little plagerism and remakes but people puuuleaseThe script was appalling. The acting even worse. None of the characters were any way likable...in fact I was rooting for the Zombies. After 5 mins...and had I been the lead character would have gladly gone back out onto the street to meet my demise rather than spend a minute with these other "characters". Seriously bad acting... like jaw droppingly "are these people getting paid for this bad!"Look I could go on and on because it was so poor. I can't honestly believe it made it into a DVD and the filmmakers were actually happy to release this abomination. Did they not watch it back?All I want to do is for those who are going to the DVD shop and see the cover "British Horror at its best"... warn you - put it back on the shelf and run away. Time would be better spent cutting your hair with a cheese grator than watching this garbageI rarely turn off a film but after an hour - an hour of my life wasted - I turned it off and aghast at really how bad this could be.Don't watch it - you have been warned!

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