NR | 15 March 2013 (USA)
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Jasna, a beautiful teenager, leads a crude life in post-war Serbia. She goes on a spree of sex, drugs and partying until she finds love and tenderness in a harsh environment.


As opposed to scores that you see, this film is a great piece of cinema.I guess that such a low scoring may be a result of two kinds of misunderstanding. First being the lack of knowledge, or lack of interest in Serbian mass-culture after the fall of the Berlin wall. Second, more profound one, could be being caught in the whirlpool of that culture, and not seeing it for what it really is.Although tempted, I will say nothing more, in order not to spoil your viewing.You should see this film. I delayed it for a long time, but when I finally saw it, I was very much thrilled.

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I've already watched a couple of movies about crazy teenagers (Thirteen, The Babysitters, series Skins) but this is probably most explicit and closest to me because come from a similar environment. I especially liked the music, Folk Music has never sounded good like in this film, according to that put the right thing in the right place. Young actors have done a super job and the director for whom I've never heard before had done excellent mix between footage from a mobile device and movie camera, I was not so painful to watch as usually After I've seen the Serbian movie and "Život i smrt porno bande" which gave me nightmares I was a little scared of the new Serbian Brutale but still not even close that hardcore though the very real and tragic.

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I saw this film as part of the Rotterdam Film Festival 2012. I fail to see any reason for the many enthusiastic reactions I heard around me during and after the screening. About 80% of the film could be told in 5 minutes, since nothing really happens that should take so much of our time. Moreover, visualizing all this is not giving us any new insights. Maybe "the others" did not see the same film??I find that I had every reason to score a 1 (lowest) for the audience award when leaving the theater. Contrary to what I usually do, I did not wait for the end of the Q&A. I just eagerly wanted to get into the icy cold outside, rather than listening unwillingly to all those warm and positive comments towards the film makers.

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This movie will make a lot of sense to people who live in the Balkan region or former YU countries, much more then in Europe. If you've seen Kids(1995), well this is the Balkan version of it, today.The story follows a group of kids and their every day life in and outside of high school and their many encounters with sex, drugs and alcohol. The detachment from parents, life in poverty, without love is all what creates this way of life. It shows us the inside of something that we might deny existing but is there and is so close to us but we just keep ignoring it. Everything I've seen in this movie, I've heard from friends, seen it myself and its all true. Kids going to clubs underage, buying alcohol, stealing, smoking, dressing like prostitutes... Biggest problem for the viewers will be the fact that they haven't met a group of kids like this, and they will refuse to believe that this is a possible scenario in life. Kids who are their age who went to a slightly different high school will say also that this is not true but as soon as you leave the urban city area, or high schools which are "elitist" you'll find much more and much worse. "Clip" should serve us as a warning, is here to educate us, show us how bad things can get, are, and unless we take our blindfolds off its only going to get worse.Once again, you might think this is fiction but is as true as it gets.

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