R | 28 August 1992 (USA)
Clearcut Trailers

A white lawyer finds his values shaken when he is paired with an angry Indigenous activist who insists on kidnapping the head of a logging company to teach him the price of his destruction.

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I have seen this movie. I love it. I would recommend this movie to anyone I love Graham Greene he is a great actor. I am 1/4 Chiricahua Apache. i love all native American music, movies. Also u need to watch Graham Greene's other movies like Skins, Dances with Wolves & others. They are all good movies. Speaking of Dances with Wolves someday when my husband & I have our native wedding i am going to be married in my People's colors. I think that would be so cool. Another Good movie of Graham's is Eductaion of Little Tree that was great too. I Have never seen Graham in a bad movie. To me he brings life to the character he is playing no matter if it is a comedy or a drama.

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This film was worth a 7 to me because I loved how Arthur threw his weight around with Peter and Bud. Arthur only behaved that way with them because he needed to teach a very valuable lesson on how nature can never be tampered with. Obviously Bud and Peter never saw it that way nor did they see things from the Native perspective the way Arthur did. Since Bud never cared one way or another what happened to the trees because he was the papermill manager. He only cared about profiting from those trees so he needed them to be cut down. Peter's problem was that he was trying to take both sides of the issue to try and please Arthur and Bud. Since Peter was a lawyer it was his intuition to see things from all sides. Although the Natives lost the court case, Peter however did try and smooth things out and ease the tension for everyone involved and for that, I give him credit. But it was from Arthur's viewpoint that makes this film so cool. The important lesson needed to be taught to the other 2 men. Since Arthur rightfully committed those acts of violence towards Bud, Peter and those police officers because that was really the only way the situation was to be handled. If Arthur was just a regular human, he may have put up a fight but I don't think he would have gotten away with the things he did. He just would have been arrested and put away as "just another Indian who's only place is in jail". Ironically enough, Bud and Peter were arrested by police at the end of the film. Wow, what wrong have they done to society?? LOL The 2 men felt like THEY were the victims of the whole ordeal, not Arthur! LOL Well............ anyways............ thanks for allowing me the time to review on this film as well. Take care. ;)

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It was (is) a very well made and especially played movie. I think it's way too underrated and you can't find a copy of it on DVD and hardly on VHS which proves that mainstream shows are and always gonna be more "important". Just look at the fact that you can buy EVERY episode of "Buffy..." but you can't find ONE copy of this movie. Sad.Waiting.If you like native themed movies check this out. It worth it.

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Arthur is the spirit-guide Peter McGuire finds during his sweat-lodge vision; a water-spirit who becomes the personification of McGuire's own anger. If you don't believe me on this, pay attention to the water shots (starting with the opening shot of the movie), the sweat-lodge sequence, and listen carefully to almost everything Wilf says. Once you understand what Arthur is, you can see that the primary themes explored are (1) talk vs. action, and (2) if you cannot control your anger, your anger will control you. I found Ron Lea a bit too wimpy to carry off the final scene, but overall, this is a very thought-provoking movie, which I recommend to anyone who likes to think.

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