City Dragon
City Dragon
NR | 01 January 1995 (USA)
City Dragon Trailers

Martial-artist Ray should focus more on his pregnant girlfriend, Tina. However, many others are in the picture, including (but not limited to): Tina's ex-boyfriend; Ray's sexually-discriminating boss-lady; and two homies.


We found this for a pound in our local video shop, and I'm not sure it was even worth that! The story focuses on Ray, a work-hard-play-hard fighter from LA and his two homies, 'Philthy' Phil and self-proclaimed 'wigger' Rick. All three of these inexplicably speak in rhyme and spend the first half of the film chatting up women with their corny rapping skills. Enter Tina, a comically dressed young woman who has just escaped from her abusive boyfriend. Falling for Ray, then finding out that she's pregnant with her ex's baby(or a cushion...), the pair decided to get married and make a go of it. The film then becomes a completely different film where we are privy to Ray and Tina's already failing marriage, Tina's ex's adventures in a mental institution, Ray's 'well meaning' infidelity, and his irritating friends foibles. The final showdowns consist of Ray beating up a group of about ten men (One of which is sporting a 'Genuine Mickey Mouse' sweater) then chasing Tina's baby-stealing ex up to the top of the building. Although the final fight goes on far too long, the best part comes when John the ex places Tina's baby (a rubber doll) on the floor and Ray accidentally tramples on in when he goes to fight him. All the acting, sound quality, production values, sets, and music could not be worse, but if you want a laugh when you're drunk, this is the film for you!

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lee nicholson (dolemite72)

Where do you begin, when describing a movie, like City Dragon?This movie has it all, cool guys, rap music, hot chicks, serious issues and 'bitchin' kung-fu.....City Dragon has all these elements....and more! The hero, Ray (played by the amazingly named M C Kung-Fu) is a rapping romeo of the streets (seriously, 96% of his entire dialogue rhymes) and he hangs out with his two 'homies' Philthy Phil and (pretty fly for a white guy) 'rhymin' Rick (who's a self proclaimed 'wigger')This epic movie opens up, with Latino homeboys trying to carjack Ray, and falling foul to his amazing kung-fu skills (fools!) followed by the three heroes meeting up in a club, free-styling over the ladies they've loved (no joking, these guys constantly brag about the daily rota of girls they do the 'wild thang' with!) Ray spends little time in bedding a cutie (rhyming throughout, of course) and even leaving her a 'rapping' dear Jane letter, the following morning. Immediately afterwards Ray hooks up with a buxom (Shannon Whirry look-a-like) in white Lycra, who, after some more romantic rhyming, reveals an impressive set of 'chesticles' (gotta admire Ray...keeping it multi-cultural)No sooner than this, Ray is rapping on the streets (a lovely ditty called 'Scandalous', that puts all other rap songs to shame) and keeping his eyes on the ladies, whilst Philthy Phil and 'randy' Rick are posing as music producers.....Philthy Phil, could very easily be in the music biz fo' real, when you hear him 'dropppin' rhymes in overtime' to his (haunting) rap ballad 'Night-swim' Still though, our three heroes still have time to meet up in the dojo (and in true Three Muskateers style hand on hand chant) recite their credo for life and love:"One...Two...Three.....Three home-dogs getting' busy.....Knocking boots, we make girls dizzy...Three of us, having a many women....we'll have em' all!"Touching stuff, i'm sure you'll agree?But then fate strikes, when Ray meets the love of his life, Tina (replete with psychotic ex-boyfriend baggage) and settles down (can a stud as bad-ass as Ray leave the 'game'.....and will the 'game' let him leave?). If Tina's ex-boyfriend doesn't kill Ray, then Ray's oversexed demanding (female) boss, will!To say anything else, would spoil too much of this great movie (and so far i've only covered the first 13 minutes of this 98 minute masterpiece) For all those, craving the days of Dolemite and The Last Dragon/meets Breakin.....add City Dragon to your collection, it's way better than all the tripe that Hollywood is putting out.....without a doubt.....ray turns it out....he's got the knock you out (see, one viewing of this movie, results in a all-day 'rhyme-fest'?)

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City Dragon! I bought this film last year.. and up to now, I haven't seen it! Until I saw it yesterday. I must admit, it's one of those low budget rap, chop socky, kung fu, urban ghetto, romance stuff of a movie! What I find so bad is, why would someone like director 'Philthy' Phil Phillips come up with so much pappy show - where our hero 'raps' when he talks to people, and even so when he flirts with the girls? Where does he get all those acting talents from..?The bad John played by J.Daran.. I don't really see him much of a bad guy.. but I guess with that performance - he was just trying it on.There were so many flaws about this movie that I felt it sucked! The acting was way below par.. Somehow the volume of the movie wasn't really that serious.. and when you think about a martial arts movie.. The storyline has got to be top notch. Solid! This one was too soft.MC Kung Fu may've made his name on there. But I felt he could give his character more depth, rather than be just this 'gigolo' who wears fancy clothes, have muscles like Schwarzenegger and have this 'rockabilly' hair cut.After watching this movie.. I felt this wasn't my kind of movie.. It's a shame that Phil Phillips made only one movie.. Maybe the audience felt this sort of film wasn't really up to their standards. Yes! They would laugh.. But at the end of the day, this is one movie they wouldn't want to pay their money to see..I bought this 'City Dragon' DVD free with another DVD at some secondhand shop.You know what? I sent it back there and got £2.00 for it.Sorry Phil, your movie's awful! 0 out of 10!

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This film, is legendary, the DVD has 4 chapters, yet the film is about 2 hours long or something similar. If you can find it, it's well worth watching, there isn't a single moment in this film that can't be considered genius, from the cheese fest dialogue containing mostly rap, to the all the hollyoaks style issues they cover. After watching this film, i began to question real life situations with the words "What would city dragon do at a time like this?". It's filled with plot holes, and inconsistencies, the settings are like a porn film, but there's no porn in it, and yet, it's still a film i can sit down and watch with my friends and spend the whole thing laughing.I'm shocked, really shocked, that Philthy Phil Phillips has only done 1 film. It's just plain shocking.

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