Chrome Soldiers
Chrome Soldiers
R | 06 May 1992 (USA)
Chrome Soldiers Trailers

Five ex-soldiers go to a small town in Oregon to help a friend investigate the murder of his brother.

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Ace Blacksun

This movie is not for everyone, yes when i was younger i didn't understand the movie a lot but as i grow up and had a family of my own i came to understand the importance of family. this movie is not for everyone but if u can understand the importance of family then this movie is a shoe in the door. and for the people that don't understand who the chrome soldiers are, well there friends that severed together and will do anything for one another. and the name chrome comes from the bikes they ride. anyone if they pay attention to this movie shouldn't have a problem with it. Its old yes but its better than most of the movies being made today.

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This is a MADE FOR TV MOVIE.... which means it isn't mainstream like Terminator. What this movie has is a LOT of heart and a Good storyline.What "Gay Frank Lover " Says is Partially right, William Atherton is Terrible! More accurately ,His character Sheriff Blackwell.You'll remember Bill Atherton Better as Richard Thornburg....A Pompous-A$$ Reporter On "Die Hard and Die Hard 2. Maybe Even as Walter Peck an Obnoxious Environmental Protection Officer on Ghostbusters.Starring Gary Busey and Yaphet Kotto. Who wouldn't like this Movie. I guess Bernie Minimum and Frank Drag should Keep Watching Dancing with The Stars or American Idol and Drink some Light Beer and SHUT UP!!

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bernie minim

Warning, spoiled plot, or I guess I mean PLOT SPOILERS. It certainly reeks! Gary Busey, an Air Force Colonel and hero of desert storm goes to visit his older brother in a town in Oregon, but his brother is murdered before he arrives. He calls his old friend Yaphet Kotto, who then calls the rest of the old gang from Viet Nam (wait...they were ground pounders, but he's in the Air Force?) who all show up (four, not three) for the funeral on their bikes wearing colors (Chrome Soldiers...."not what you think, it was part of our therapy when we came back from Viet Nam.") I can't figure how they got the bikes there, especially the guy from New Jersey. Just one more plot hole. Of course they begin to suspect something when they find the dead brother's safe and it's contents. I loved it when the NJ guy starts to crack the safe. 8 he says, then 23. Busey says 8-23-1948. None of them understand. Like, duh! Don't let these guys play with sharp objects. Anyway the bad guys are all revealed early, and the conspiracy as well. There is a big involvement of boats as transport, but as far as I can tell they are on a mountain lake! So when the big boat pulls in and the new bad guy gets off and is asked, "how was your trip?" I about died. Meanwhile, GB has left his girlfriend to guard the gate at the meeting ground, while he and his buds go on up to "get set up" which consists of lighting a lantern, conveniently present, and building the wimpiest fire you can imagine. I wonder if she will get in trouble. Nah, that would be TOO OBVIOUS!!!!! Then, there are the non-breakable molotovs, and the non-flammable gasoline. Oh, and the brother was murdered after he called the DEA, but that's ok, because THEY DIDN'T COME. Right. Gary Busey is about as expected. Yaphet Kotto is much better than this. And William Atherton is a pathetic bad guy, with a stupid, twitchy psychotic henchman. So I want to know. Do the writers of this junk think we are all ignorant, or are they actually this stupid and divorced from reality themselves? If you can get past the plot chasms, then you will find a mediocre town conspiracy vigilante justice movie that's been done better many times. Something to do the dishes by.

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