| 23 January 2013 (USA)
Charm Trailers

Being the adventures of a young man whose principle interests are movies, New York, and mass murder. CHARM is an ultra low budget black comedy about Malcolm - a New Yorker who gets tired of how gentrified, tepid and antiseptic it's all become. What's happened to the 'Good ole days'?! And so he decides to take matters into his own hands by personally starting a crime wave which he hopes will catch on and drive real estate value down, opening up the city to bohemians, artists and a swell of creativity, just like the supposed good 'ole days of the 1970s and 80s. The only problem is: Nobody is paying attention.


I made it about 20 minutes into the movie and could have saved a lot of time as the next 19 minutes were essentially the same thing as the first minute. I've enjoyed many low budget movies, my problem with this movie is the total lack of anything. It's not funny, it's not exciting, there is no discernible plot. This was one of those rare movies that preaches at you but has nothing to say. The preaching is annoying enough but the babbling on about not even good platitudes was excruciating. I've managed in less than a minute to make a more meaningful social statement than the entire first 20 minutes of this movie did.

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This movie was taken to a whole new level. Ashley Cahill might have been the writer/director but he was an amazing lead. I normally wouldn't want to watch these type of serial killer tries to get all of his crimes on tape type of movies, but this one was exceptional! The supporting actors were great, they were funny, surprisingly could act, and at some times had their own type of crimes that they had to commit. This movie had a copacetic story structure and kept me interested throughout the entire film. It's not a horror film so there's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a funny, psycho wants peace thriller. Well done Cahill. I strongly recommend watching on Netflix if bored or just want a little laugh.

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This was a real, late- night, Netflix desperation surprise. It's clever and funny and the writer/ director/ lead is perfect in all ways- how many have watched this and said I know a guy like that ( except for the serial killer thing)? I enjoyed the sly and not- so- sly pop cultural references, which included a Louis Armstrong masterpiece, a riff on the family dynasty that produced James Bond films, and so much else. The supporting actors were great- the women were attractive and seemed natural and Malcolm's sidekick male friends were funny at times. It is in no way a horror movie- not at all fair to call it that- but more of an American Psycho- style black comedy/ social satire and it hits the mark nearly as often as that movie did. It even (sort of) covers one of many a New Yorker's favorite topics lately- that of European jerks taking over. The director cast himself perfectly and he is funny just to look at, and hearing him spout his nonsense is even funnier. What perhaps keeps "Random" from being too heavy handed is the sense the director gives you that he identifies with the characters Malcolm hates and wants to get rid of, and so he is making fun of himself as much as anyone else. Well done; no expectations going in and nothing but yuks and admiration after it ended. The "8" is high but it is in context of what he set out to do, how much he had to spend, how much I laughed, etc... wait so maybe that really does make it an 8! OK, 7 and a half and great job by all involved.

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I'm almost 70, and at last I see a movie that is truly fresh, original, and completely out to lunch. If you don't want to watch the entire movie (and I highly recommend you do), just watch his girlfriend's explanation of the importance of the attempt to discover God. Her reasoning is par excellence.If you watch the movie to the conclusion, please don't tell others. This is just as good as any Hitchcock ending, and he did it on a thin dime. There are so many things that I normally hate in a shoe-string movies such as this. The shaky, POV camera; the quick, quirky dialogue that's hard to comprehend in one sitting; and the harsh violence that's casual. But this baby transcends all of that by miles. Give this a go. Stay with it for 30 minutes and see if you don't agree with me. My cup of tea. Hope it's yours.

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