"Chainsaw" is an American English-language short film from 2015, so still relatively new. It runs for 8 minutes only and is perhaps the most known work by David Dinetz and Dylan Trussell, who collaborated on several projects. As you may have guessed correctly from the title already, this is a little horror movie with an ounce of really dark comedy too. The most known name attached to the project is probably producer Eli Roth because of his work in Tarantino films. But that's a completely different chapter. As for this one here, maybe the gore and effects were the best thing about it, but they weren't great either. Nothing stands really out here and even the story with its plot twist near the end about what is real and what isn't rarely managed to make an impact, let alone be memorable. Sure you can say oh it's horror, it doesn't need a great story, but then they really need to deliver in other fields like the scare factor and I don't think they even came close with regard to that. So yeah only worth seeing for the biggest horror fanatics. You won't be missing much if you decide to skip these slightly under 10 minutes.
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