Cease Fire!
Cease Fire!
| 24 November 1953 (USA)
Cease Fire! Trailers

A sometimes uncomfortable marriage between fact and fiction, this film is part documentary and part drama, mixing actual war footage with reenactments in which real veterans of the Korean War portray members of a platoon sent out on a reconnaissance mission near the end of the conflict. Though peace is imminent, violence unexpectedly erupts. A day that begins with the calm and mundane is transformed into a heated battle that typifies the cruel and unpredictable nature of war.


I was drawn to this film because of the combination 3-D and real life story/actors/war theme but was ultimately disappointed. It was kind of interesting and I do appreciate it for what is was going for but unless you have a specific interest in this type of project it is not required viewing.

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It's finally out the 3D, wide screen and three channel restored stereo version of the semi documentary.The 3D was great too.Like Fort Ti,the beginning of the film ,after it was introduced by Mark W, Clark,shows a cannon right in front of the camera and explosion.About real soldiers on their way to Porkchop hill.It was played by real soldiers.I made a mistake .I had thought that Roy Thompson j.r.was the one that died in battle,but, I was wrong.It was private Carrasco actually died in the real battle,as he portrayed his character in the film,who dies.Some of these solder,now ex, are still alive.Roy could have gotten into acting business and became a lead .He had strong chemistry,but,he stayed in the military till 67,then went to college.The Asian solider,played by real soldier Cheon Yul Bak .if he still alive he should be 86,portrays soldier ,who wife is expecting .He ends up getting killed in the film too near the end of the war.Then you got this fat soldier,not real fat ,who makes jokes.The best acting comes from Roy.There is a real actor,who plays a corespondent,John Maxwell,with another one ,who might have been an actor or a talented real soldier,in the tent scene ,during 100th attempt at peace talks.Was that suppose to be Kim Jongs grand father you saw at the distance or father going to the peace talks?Obviously there was some break downs of the 3D camera,cause the were some false 3d scene,where there was depth only and no pop out,but, it was not that bothersome.The 3d was breath taking .The hilly areas to the military tanks with their long nose almost coming out of the screen.The sound.Now remember this was three channel stereo,which was behind the screen.Although we can say that Fantasia had a surround affect on it's three channels ,with surround speakers,the three channel of 53 did not.Warner phonic was a surround channel for 4 tracks.The recreated stereo was almost as if it was never lost.The Dimitri Tiomkin score with it's chorus was as real as the 7 channel score from Return to Paradise and the 4 channel guns of Naverone score.The affects of voices going off the camera left and right was good too.The war noises,like the bombs, were so real.I think it was stereo dubbed rather than directional,may be.It's presented 1.66.1 also.If you cannot see it in 3d there is the flat version in the menu .Great.11/21/17

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Warning: This is a bad review for "Cease Fire" from personal experiences.I was in Chorwan Valley, Korea with the 7th Infantry Division Combat Signal Company in 1953. I was a radio repairman and My job was to help keep lines of communication open between combat units when the "Cease Fire" film crew was there to make the film. In the military the service creed is your a rifle man first and everything else is second. I don't mind telling you it enraged us tremendously that people in USA thought the Korean war was such a cake walk to make the first true to life combat film. Lots of G.I.'s were still getting killed and some from our unit. The movie was not shot on the front lines ( MLR Main Line of resistance) as some people might have thought. Today it is the demilitarize zone between North Korea and South Korea. They wanted to shoot there but the North Koreans and Chinese were not a fan of theirs and threw some live rounds their way so they took themselves way back to the rear areas where there was no war.The 7th division's military campaign at the end of the war was to keep the enemy out of Chorwan valley and the Chinese communist job was get into Chorwan valley in mass with their tanks that were rendered obsolete in mountain country. They tried very hard but didn't make it but a few times they almost did. Pork Chop hill was one of the many hills that was smack dab in the way. Some of the famous hills along side were Old Baldy white horse, alligator, castle rock were near where a lot of major assaults took place before the war ended. Castle rock was the highest point so from the top a person could look down and scan the war zones for miles. Sometimes it was so quiet it was scary. It must have been the lull of the war at times and the ideal spot where the film crew reconnoitered but the war would flair up like a roman candle and people were getting killed near there. A North Korea/Chinese assault usually came at night with loud speakers blaring, thousand of enemy screaming and careening across no mans land,artillery blasting each other, night flares lighting the skies like daytime, machine gun fire, search lights scanning, and all of us shooting at the onslaught that sometimes turned into hand to hand combat. I was spared some of the combat because if it got to hot we could take our communication repair truck back to a safer area. The worst artillery exchange in the whole stale mate came hours before the cease fire agreement at ten o:clock. Both sides had to turn in all their ammo by noon time the next day. Nobody wanted to repackage loose artillery rounds so they shot them all off. That night was second to my longest night ever spent. My longest night ever spent was the next night when we didn't have any ammo and didn't trust the enemy. I could almost hear ants crawling all night. Those two nights were almost worse than combat themselves. We had our rifles but no ammo and we were so jumpy the next day after a sleepless night in a fox hole we were running into each other when the sun came up.After the war we set up camp in Chorwan Valley about 30 miles south of what became the demilitarize war zone. Life was safer, easier, food was good and we were able to watch movies. One night some body got a hold of that "Cease Fire" film and decided to show it. I never laughed so hard in my whole life at something that was suppose to be serious. The acting was terrible, story line only scratched the surface of the whole cease fire episode, and I took a personal note of the whole thing. We started to boo the movie until they finally shut it down and put something else on. I respect the actors but I criticize the producers for making real troops look like morons.The acting was below third rate the story line was not indicative of a squad patrol in the last days of the war. For one,we had patrols in no mans land only which was generally flat terrain. A patrol coming back through our lines had to worry more about trigger happy people than the enemy. We had outposts in no mans land that communicated with patrols, and the list goes on.The only reasons of patrols was to scout what the enemy was doing to reinforce their trenches or getting ready for an assault. Once in a while our patrol would meet an enemy patrol in no mans land and then look out. The location should have been something like world war one with trenches on forward slopes of hilly terrain facing no mans land that varied from 200 to 1000 yards of flat lands between military forces dug in on opposing hill sights. Their scenes missed the most important reasons why we were there by not showing the final desperate Chinese assaults on our trenches trying to get into Chorwan valley before the war ended. We were simply not going to let that happen and they finally got the message. The producers missed the whole point, and as as a matter of fact they were way off just before and after the end of the war. A title something like, "Korean Combat Patrol" with real movie stars and not robot acting would have sufficed, and re-enacting scenes wouldn't be important. The producers wouldn't be obligated to show the whole scenario to back up a title "Cease Fire" with strong suggestions it was a real combat movie about the real cease fire conditions in Korea.

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I watch most war movies that come along (save for the retched Pearl Harbor and Windtalkers, but that is another review) when I caught this on the OLD American Movie Classics several years ago.In many ways, it was like watching a train wreck; you can't keep your eyes off of it. However, when you realize that the filming was actually done in Korea, just shortly before and just after the cease fire andin Korea, you find yourself mesmerized.After the credits rolled, you found out that all the characters were the actual officers and men of this squad.What stood out was the bad acting, very stiff "readings" (if you want to call it that) but at the same time, according to the host afterward, the actors ad-libbed a great deal of their dialog.The other thing that stood out was the weapons firing. They were using LIVE ammunition and it shows. The sound of the guns and the recoils are something that cannot be faked.It is not the greatest of war movies, but it is noteworthy in that it was filmed during war time as a production and not a straight documentary.

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