Business Is Business
Business Is Business
| 11 November 1971 (USA)
Business Is Business Trailers

The story of two prostitutes working in the Amsterdam Red Light district, and the many strange and unusual men they meet through their work.

Claudio Carvalho

"Wat Zien Ik" was recently released in Brazil on DVD by a minor distributor as part of a "Trash Collection". I have seen all the movies of Paul Verhoeven since "Turk Fruits", with the exception of "Spetters" , "Voorbij, Voorbij" and "The Hitchhiker", which were not released in Brazil, therefore I decided to buy this DVD. This low budget movie is a comedy about the daily lives of two whores in Red Light District of Amsterdam, and has some funny moments, specially with the weird and bizarre fantasies of their costumers. Ronnie Bierman has a great performance in the role of a kind hearted prostitute, and although original (at least for people from other cultures), the story is also forgettable and only works to satisfy the curiosity about the first films of Paul Verhoeven. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "Negócio é Negócio" ("Business is Business")

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The title says it all. 'Wat zien ik?' or 'What am I seeing?' was exactly the question I asked myself when I watched this film the other night. The film itself seems to be nothing more than an accumulation of 'strange' customers that a hooker in Amsterdam entertains and has a very sketch-like feel to it. Except that it isn't funny. For me it felt a bit like Monty Python's Meaning of life. Every customer was another short sketch that failed and everything in between was thinner than a piece of toilet paper. The reason I felt like that was because the characters, although the actors were OK, had no real depth and one just could not identify with any of them or with their actions. A bad effort from Verhoeven, which I guess nobody will enjoy much. Luckily he made better films later on.4 out of 10

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I'm not really sure what to think about this movie. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly 'the point' of this movie was. It seems like Paul Verhoeven himself also agrees with this; This movie should be forgotten.For a comedy it simply is not funny enough and for a drama it ain't heavy enough. It's a incoherent mess of sometimes intended funny scene's and intended dramatic one's. Neither style really works out an 100% and the end result is an unpleasant movie to watch that's neither really funny or dramatic.Also a bit of a problem is the story itself, it's not realistic and highly unlikely all. The actors are quite good, I mean there are some big Dutch names in here but none of the characters are really any good or likable enough.I always used to think that it was a awesome thing that a distant relative of mine, Henk Molenberg played in a Verhoeven movie. He is even on the cover of the movie. But than I saw the role he played...ha-ha I'm almost embarrassed now, he plays the customer of Greet who loves to clean while wearing pumps and nothing much else and when he doesn't clean good enough he loves to get slapped with a carpet-beater. Yeah weird I know, there are several other weird 'sex-fantasy' scene's like this, with different costumers that are just too odd to find amusing.The way Amsterdam is filmed is quite good actually and one of the few things that I enjoyed about this movie. The cinematography is from Jan de Bont and one of his assistants is Theo van de Sande, two well known Hollywood names now. A movie not worth seeing, even not if you're a Verhoeven fan.4/10

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Paul Verhoeven's first feature film after directing the legendary tv-series Floris. Although Verhoeven himself thinks not very highly of his first feature length film, some themes are in fact typical of his work: fear of death and sexuality with a glimpse the social context (e.g. Amsterdam early seventies). Wat Zien Ik also shows us the typical editing technique Paul Verhoeven sometimes uses to hide the lack of story: editing based on speed. In later films this kind of editing proved te be efficient but in this case it's like a bad make up job. Not his best movie...

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