Born of Hope
Born of Hope
| 01 December 2009 (USA)
Born of Hope Trailers

A scattered people, the descendants of storied sea-kings of the ancient West, struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force relentlessly bends its will toward their destruction. Yet amidst these valiant, desperate people, hope remains. A royal house endures unbroken from father to son.


This should have been good. The costumes were there. The scenery was there. The people were there. The basis for the story was there to tell of a gap in the Hobbit world of elves, men, and other creatures.Everything was there but the originality in the script.This is as forced and predictable as one can imagine. It looks like it was written by people with serious issues and hatred, and it shows.Too bad, because a lot of people spent a lot of time and money on this. The atmosphere could have been there.What really suffers here is the lack of inspiration in the story. It looks so forced and so full of the usual Hollywood hate and propaganda that one can't help but be embarrassed for everyone involved.Three words that best describe this are as follows and I quote.Stink.Stank.Stunk.

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and Aragorn had not yet come of age... and the Hobbits had not yet made Gandalf's acquaintance... and Sauron had begun searching for the Ring of Power thinking it was in the hands of humankind... and Elron, King of the Elves, had begun to foresee danger in the near future for Isildor's heirs... Sauron had begun to rally the orcs to conduct raids looking for the Ring. Aragorn had not yet been born. Arathorn, his father, had not yet wed, but the small band of human settlers, trying to stay ahead of orc raiders, were under the protection of the rangers led by him, a mighty warrior and expert leader.So begins this story, marvelously portrayed, in Born of Hope. For a movie made entirely with private funding, it is truly extraordinary. There is little I can add to the excellent reviews posted by others. I have seen other fantasy movies, made with low budgets, from productions in Czech Republic, Italy, and other places, with more buying power, I must add, that do not portray this much care and beauty in a film of such a complex nature. I was surprised to see how they made it even look "expensive", a la Lord of the Rings, which added to the overall enjoyment of the same.Of course, one cannot expect any impressive special effects, or big armies, or fancy castles or architecture. The battle featured with the troll wasn't too gripping or exciting, but perhaps that was the best to be had, so one cannot really find fault with that. Arathorn was an impressive fighter! I could not help notice how they carefully prepared those battle sequences. I think Peter Jackson would be proud, and with good reason.Despite its short duration, the movie feels much longer, and every minute was worth it. So get dressed, invite your sweetheart or friend, drive to the theatre and get some popcorn. Be prepared to relive Lord of the Rings all over again, only this time, pre-Fellowship of the Ring!

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Wow. This fan-made film was obviously made with love for the material and a passion that clearly shines through. There are many little details and moments that Tolkien fans will love (and made my heart soar once or twice). It's so nice to see that attention to the detail of Middle-earth's history. It is brilliant for the small budget that was available to the filmmakers, and it dovetails quite nicely with the Jackson movies. I must say that I enjoyed it even more than The Hunt for Gollum (which was also very good). This production had the benefit of not using characters established in the Jackson films, which makes everything much more believable in that universe. And it was much better than most of the drivel produced for television. Kudos to all involved in it! A real labor of love and a remarkable effort.

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It is professional grade quality! Acting, editing, script, costumes, sets,music, make-up--it's all in the professional category. The only complaint I have is that I can't have the DVD in high def. It belongs very proudly on my shelf next to the LotR movies. It's clear that you all have futures in the moving making industry if you want them. You stayed close to the vision of Tolkien, and for that reason alone, I'm very grateful. That it is free to us is one of the greatest mathoms ever given, but I would gladly have paid to see this at the theater. Perhaps maybe one day.Kate and crew...great work! You should be very proud. I'll be watching this often.

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