Blue Island
Blue Island
| 25 March 1982 (USA)
Blue Island Trailers

After an airplane crash, a handsome couple is left stranded on a tropical desert island. Bonnie and Billy are forced to fight against nature and the inhospitable environment to survive. Then soon learn to live with the environment then suddenly a large man-beast appears and threatens their heavenly and exotic ménage. So this paradise can change into hell...

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Obviously, this movie is a blatant rip-off "The Blue Lagoon". Nevertheless, that movie was so bad that even a cheap-jack Italian product like this could have easily improved on it--but no such luck. The original "Blue Lagoon", despite its cinematic pretensions (and PG rating), was little more than an excuse for perverts of all ages to leer at a pubescent Brooke Shields (and/or her pretty-boy co-star, Christopher Atkins), even though the former reportedly used a body double for all her nude scenes. This movie casts a 19-year-old Sabrina Siani, and is thus a little more straight-forward in its sexploitation angle. Unfortunately though, aside from a lot of breast-and-thong nudity and a couple tame sex scenes, this Italian time-waster otherwise apes the boring American movie with a laughably idyllic and sickeningly romantic coming-of-age-on-a-desert-island tale (the fact that these characters are a little long in the tooth to be just discovering the joys of sex is explained by making them Olympic athletes sequestered away in training before being marooned by a plane crash). I was hoping for maybe a sexy version of "Lord of the Flies", but this annoying pair is so nice that they can't even cook up a cute bunny to eat even though they're (presumedly) starving.There's also a really dumb sub-plot involving a big hairy guy who is also on the island (for reasons never explained by the English soundtrack). He starts out as villain, then becomes a friend, then a villain again, and then he mercifully seems to drown, but then . . . no it's just too stupid. . .The only, and I do mean only, thing this movie has going for it is Siani's incredible nude body, but it was used to better effect later in Fulci's "Conquest" (where her character wears a mask the whole time which partly conceals her godawful acting). Earlier, I guess, she had also been one of Jesus Franco's underage jungle girls in one his lesser cannibal movies. She is pretty impressive physically, but not even remotely worth enduring THIS movie for.

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An unabashed rip off of "Blue Lagoon", updated with a speedier resolution and none of the Victorian charm. The characters are irritating and so poorly conceived that they don't generate any sympathy or interest. Bony Billy has slightly more appeal than the bratty if buxom Bonny and treats her with more generosity than her behavior warrants. The lush photography and outstanding music score of "Lagoon" are missing here, too, and are sorely needed to enhance the minimal action, threadbare plot and inane dialog. Prurient preteens may like it but it is difficult to imagine any other audience. Even Ciani's frequent if not incessant nudity quickly becomes numbing. When this "Island" comes up you'd be well advised to keep sailing by. Rated 3, only for the unrealized potential of "Billy."

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