Bloody Destiny
Bloody Destiny
| 20 June 2015 (USA)
Bloody Destiny Trailers

After reuniting with his love of life, Sha Sha, underground boxer Gao Yuan escapes from the gangster who controls him. Hao Ge kidnaps Sha Sha so Gao Yuan would return to the game.


BLOODY DESTINY is a low budget boxing drama from mainland China. The film shows off some picturesque locations and tells a fairly engaging story, but the main problem is that said tale is padded out endlessly with cheesy romantic scenes and family drama. The story is about a young boxer who runs afoul of a crime boss and is forced to fight against his will.When I saw this film came from mainland China my heart sank, expecting it to be full of the usual propaganda as we saw in JACKIE CHAN AND THE KUNG FU KID. Thankfully, the director avoids that for the most part, concentrating instead on melodrama and action. The fight scenes are quite fun and the choreography is pretty good; an early brawl with some suited thugs is a little reminiscent of THE RAID. Kung fu fans will be delighted to see that Beardy plays in support as the chief villain, sporting a criminally bad hairdo, but at least he gets to fight at the end.

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