Blood Sisters
Blood Sisters
R | 01 December 1987 (USA)
Blood Sisters Trailers

Seven girls must spend the night in an old house, which once was a brothel, as part of an initiation.


Produced on a shoe string budget, Blood Sisters (aka Slash) is another genre piece that outputs a story all-too-familiar to already established classics from days gone by. Roberta Findlay, the film's director, writer, and cinematographer, wore multiple hats to turn her vision into reality – but more specifically, to ensure her immediate future in terms of finances. Findlay also offered her services as an active cinematographer in '76's Snuff - a film in which I still feel sorry in, feel sorry for anyone involved in that project.Blood Sisters revisits the same ol' concept of off'ing sorority girls within the confines of a desolate atmosphere. The new pledges of Kappa Gamma must endure a hellacious night of fake scares and buffoonery in an old brothel that witnessed a scandalous murder 13 years prior. As par for the course, the boys over at Sigma doctor the house up with phony- looking Halloween décor and sound equipment to illicit a scare or two from the unsuspecting gaggle of innocents. The game turns sour, however, when real ghost sightings are reported and a psycho is let loose to set the stage for mayhem.This relatively unknown title is a bit of a hybrid – representative of the supernatural and the Slasher respectively. The ghostly bits are thrown in for good measure…almost a demonstration of "look at what we can do!" If we're following a step by step guide on how to make a Slasher film From the 1980s, which I swear is in publication, then the identity of the killer is revealed in a chopped up ending. To say that every single plot point and device used in this film is a cliché would be a vast understatement. The cast and crew practically boast it from the roof-tops. In one scene a character playfully points out that the car's engine never successfully starts in a horror movie. At least the players and the crew acknowledge that their project is nothing more than a spin-off. The use of comic relief would have been a welcome reprieve for such a drudgingly dull film. Of course, as I've been known to repeat, the last 10-15 minutes are the only worthwhile moments. The conclusion has somewhat of a sinister feel to it but it's not terribly original either. Blood Sisters has nothing to offer; regarding the level of dedication, even the most accepting fans would find it difficult to enjoy this one. The performances are lousy, the soundtrack sucks, and the dialog could've been written by a highschooler during study hall. To compound such an award winning achievement, the blood droplets found on the victims is too watered down and lacks the consistency of the real thing. As I pointed out earlier, the only reason this film exists was out of desperation, as it shows in every facet. I suggest avoiding this flick unless you're willing to set your standards extremely low. If you're searching for a similar movie but actually done well, try a viewing of 1980's Hell Night starring Linda Blair - now that's a treat.

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Thirteen years after a disturbed boy blasts his fat hooker mother and her trick to pieces with a shotgun, a group of sorority pledges must spend the night in the now deserted brothel and participate in a scavenger hunt as part of their initiation ceremony. To ensure a thoroughly terrifying experience awaits for the girls, three frat boys have rigged the house with pranks, but they really needn't have bothered, for the place is not only haunted by the ghosts of dead prostitutes and their customers, but is home to a knife wielding maniac as well.In my IMDb write-ups for similarly themed horrors The Nesting (directed by XXX film-maker Armand Weston) and The ghosts of Sodom (by Lucio Fulci), I expressed my disappointment over these films' lack of depravity, explaining that, given the salacious premise, they deserved to be filled with plenty of sex and gore, particularly when made by people for whom exploitation should be second nature; unfortunately, Roberta Findlay, also an ex-porn director and the woman behind the infamous shocker Snuff (1976), doesn't fare any better with her haunted hooker horror, just about delivering on the sex front with plenty of topless starlets and a few tame soft-core couplings, but completely screwing up matters when it comes to bringing on the splatter.According to the interview with Findlay included on the DVD of Blood Sisters, the film was written in a hurry to meet a financial deadline, and her low, low budget wouldn't allow for fancy special effects. Hence we get lots of nudity (tits being much cheaper to film than special effects), and a whole slew of dull, bloodless death scenes designed to save on bucks, including strangulation with a garter, suffocation inside a coffin, a hanging, and a fall down a stairwell.Combine the lack of blood and guts with an awful script that doesn't start killing the pledges off for about an hour and which ultimately makes not a lick of sense (where did all those other ghosts come from and where did everyone go at the end?), and you have one hell of an unsatisfying film.

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This slice of b-movie madness from the 80's attempts a crossover between a haunted house flick and a sorority slasher, but it has none of the things that make those genres work. The killings are tame and far and few between, the cat and mouse games and false scares of the haunted house will bore you to tears or give you a good laugh (depends how you see it), and the sleaze is just not enough. There is some softcore fondling, fish kissing and breast dangling, but it's simply not enough for a film of this kind. It's not even gloriously cheesy as something like Sorority Babes on the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama. It's just boring for the most part. After an opening shotgun murder, the next 59 minutes are spent on silly "character development" and unconvincing cat and mouse games inside the house as the sorority girls embark on a scavenger hunt. Yawn. Then on the 59 minute mark, a girl is offed via garter strangulation. I bet you didn't see that one coming, did ya? Anyway I understand Blood Sisters is not particularly indicative of Findlay's work (this among her last films before she retired), but I'd say it's not even worth it on a so-bad-it's-good level. Skip.

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While these things may seem like fun new additions to the slasher movie subgenre, this film flat-out fails to deliver on all counts.It begins with a psycho kid blasting a fat hooker and her trick with a rifle at a whorehouse, before cutting to modern times (13 years later) at the Kappa Gamma Tao sorority house. After wasting time at a bar and with a sex scene, sister Linda (Amy Brentano) takes seven pledges to the now abandoned brothel for an initiation scavenger hunt. The house has been booby trapped by fun-loving frat guys (who look like they're reaching their 40s), but ghosts and a psycho killer show up.Director/scripter/cinematographer Roberta Findlay, whom I believe is one of the most prolific female filmmakers of all time, handles some of the supernatural scenes reasonably well given the budget (a standout being an interesting ghost/mirror sequence), but, with its low-grade cast of unknowns, dark/dreary atmosphere and derivative storyline, BLOOD SISTERS isn't a bit of fun to watch. And I still have no idea why the house is full of ghosts of people who used to work there since only two murders were actually committed.Guys just wanting to see sexy babes cavorting around in little clothing may be equally disappointed by the selection of actresses on hand. A few of the actresses are attractive, but aside from Marla MacHart, there are really no stunners here, though some of them do appear topless from time to time. In addition, it's is so slow-moving that it takes nearly an entire hour until the first murder!

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