Beyond the Grave
Beyond the Grave
| 09 September 2010 (USA)
Beyond the Grave Trailers

In a devastated post-apocalyptic world where the rules of reality are transformed by magic and madness, a vengeful police officer searches for a possessed serial killer in a battle of the not-so-good versus absolute evil.


First heard of it in 2008 when was promised as "the first Brazilian zombie movie"... In that time there were many reports about it, much hype was created.And then came the waiting and reports (when happened) that lead to more disappointments, as some of the story was unveiled... Then came not one or two, but many zombie films set in Brazil...This one became so boring, it doesn't make any sense, most of the acting is bad and the zombies, when show up, are just plain stupid.I've only seen it this year (2013) and I was Very disappointed by it, and a little embarrassed as they are so pretentious to show it up outside of Brazil first... and fail... I hope they never make a movie again...

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Occasionally I get the privilege of coming across a film and director the revitalizes my love of Indie cinema. "Beyond The Grave" is such a film and Davi de Oliveira Pinheiro is that director. The film is a beautiful fusion art-house action thrill ride with just the right mix of character exaggeration, melodrama, effects and story that totally flips a subgenre's often redundant script. "Beyond The Grave" follows a vengeful police officer, "Officer", who searches for a possessed serial killer in a battle of the not-so-good versus absolute evil, in a devastated post-apocalyptic world where the rules of reality are transformed by magic and madness. The film stars Rafael Tombini, Álvaro Rosa Costa, Ricardo Seffner, Amanda Lerias, Luciana Verch and Leandro Lefa.The story takes an almost graphic novel's approach to creativity with the characters almost over-the-top, stoic personalities, a back drop of earthly chaotic badlands and plenty of adventurous bravado. Normally the subject matter explored in "Beyond The Grave" would come across as "been there-done that" however the visional brilliance of de Oliveira Pinheiro's way of telling the story makes everything seem fun and fresh. There are elements of Sergio Leone, Tarantino and Hong Kong influences within "Beyond The Grave", that are more atmospheric nods to other's in this subgenre of action/horror, but de Oliveira Pinheiro brings so much originality to this film that his unique talent cannot be denied. "Beyond The Grave" is just one of those films I feel in love with the minute I hit play! I am calling it neo-western/barrio. The effects, style and soundtrack utilized in "Beyond The Grave" bring some lighter, black comedy and humor to the story that allows de Oliveira Pinheiro to tell such a strong, brutal tale of unforgiving life/death/hell in "Beyond The Grave" that otherwise would have been too intense for the average viewer. It all just comes together as some live action, thrill kill wasteland, graphic novel piece of awesome. The film is subtitled for English viewers so be warned if you go to watch the film (I personally love subtitles over voiceovers). "Beyond The Grave" really is a fun, off-beat, art-house film that showcases a true talent with Davi de Oliveira Pinheiro. This is cult cinema at it's future best and will go on to become a classic cult film-I just feel it with this film. Can't wait to see what else de Oliveira Pinheiro has in store.

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I read that this was a "perfect late night crowd pleaser" when it was shown as part of a local film festival. So off I trotted to my local emporium, expecting something interesting, quirky, weird, that kind of thing. I wish I hadn't have bothered. This was properly dreadful.I really can't even begin to deconstruct how bad this was - the person who introduced the movie said it was a "Brazilian Grindhouse" - well, the only exploitation going on here was in the £8.50 they took off the audience, all 10 or so of us. Nothing really happens, there are a couple of laughable zombies, there's some half-arsed story-line that plods along disjointedly, it was dull dull dull.This should be put IN a grave, let alone beyond one. Avoid at all costs, useless tedious tosh essentially.

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Beginning with a gun battle between a lone police office and three criminals, Beyond the Grave travels through an empty and increasingly surrealistic world, populated by meandering zombies and the human survivors of some grand disaster - soundtrack and commentary provided by lunatic radio disc jockeys, declaring the end of the world - and ends with humanity's champion, dueling ultimate evil.This skillfully made, low-budget, independent horror film from Brazil delivers a thrilling tale that is strikingly unique in the horror genre. Just when Beyond the Grave appears to be going over far too familiar territory, director Davi de Oliveira Pinheiro fearlessly heads towards unexpected directions. I hope this means that, just like France and Japan before it, Brazil is ready to unleash a spate of original and shocking new horror movies.

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