Beer League
Beer League
R | 15 September 2006 (USA)
Beer League Trailers

An unemployed slacker inspires his softball teammates to improve their game to avoid getting kicked out of the local league.

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Lange is deadbeat loser who's only ray of sunshine in life is his softball team, at least until he hooks up with Buono. Macchio is his best friend and DeSando his arch enemy on and off the field. The movie is split rather evenly between softball action and the rest of the other shenanigans. I spent years playing in softball leagues like this, I've played on fields like their field (which I love), I've played with guys like the guys on Artie's team, although the language was a little better. I love Buono, she's the best thing in this movie, the only question you're asking is why she's hanging with a loser like Artie (who admittedly has some redeeming characteristics). I don't like the raunchiness, I think it hurts the movie, problem is with guys like Lange the raunchy part is so ingrained in the rest of the schtick that it's impossible to separate it out. Jimmy Palumbo does a great bit announcing as he plays, it's that sort of thing along with Buono that makes this a thumbs up rather than thumbs down. Parts of the movie are very rewatchable. And BTW, both Lange and Palumbo are real playahs.

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This movie made absolutely no sense whatsoever. OK they went over the line with going against political correctness. I guess that was the reason for this film. Word of mouth brings in people that are against political correctness or something like that.Thus,they fill a niche and make guaranteed money. Capitalism, the Howard Stern way. Thats fine,but it was a lousy product. The film dared to be different. By being overly anti political correct, that is ultimately what killed this film. The politically incorrect humor was diluted after 10 minutes of this film. It was just forced. Thus the shock was not only not funny, but not shocking anymore. Artie Lang was atrocious and so was Ralph Macchio. I can understand why Mr. Macchio is not getting parts. This was a film that did not need to be made. Yes usual fare of heavyset,middle age loser , living with his mom somehow an item with a beautiful woman. Predictable movie, taking place in working class town in NJ. Caricatures, stereotypes,lame humor,hard liquor but no beer. This movie had it all and managed to make it NOT work. The plot , party animal, fraternity type of misfits trying to win a softball championship against an elite snobs team. They even managed a stereotype here, making this obnoxious mayoral candidate a cousin of one of our protagonists. There you have the plot. See this at your own peril.

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Watched/listened to this train wreck on the "Secret Stash" on Comedy Central last night. At this hour, it wasn't too censored and I found it virtually unwatchable. Not since Manos: The Hands of Fate, back in the Mystery Science Theater 3000 days, has Comedy Central fielded such garbage. Would actually rather have seen a 44th rerun of an old "Dave Chapelle Show" than to be subjected to this. Most of the commercials were sustaining (Comedy Central) as I can imagine they would have had a hard time attracting any advertising save for local cable stuff. In my opinion, after "Manos", this is the worst movie Comedy Central has ever shown.Skip it!

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Nick Zbu

Artie Lange has talent. If it's one thing someone can walk away from this film with, it's that Lange is a funny man and has a real ability to portray a realistic human being and a damn funny one. The movie is pretty solid from a creative viewpoint and Artie himself is classic. He's truly in comedic form and simply outpaces everybody else in this movie. The supporting cast is sweet--through I didn't recognize Ralph Macchio until the credits--and there's nothing wrong there. I'm not damning with false praise when I think that Lange's performance in 'Dirty Work' is surpassed here with this film. It's raunchy without apology, and it works very well.The only problem is the film seems to be made on the cheap and the plot development was a bit rough. Not bad like they hired a pizza boy to do the editing, but it was noticeable enough to distract. The film quality itself is perfect and it's a damn shame this film didn't get a better word of mouth. While this is a gem, it shouldn't be found in a Wal-Mart bargain bin for $5.All and all, if you are a big Artie Lange fan, this is the movie where he returns to the brilliant guy we know from MadTV when he was propping that show up and Dirty Work. Now if he would only do a few more and get his life back into order, the world would be a better place.

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