NR | 19 August 2010 (USA)
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A woman subject to mental, physical, and sexual abuse on a remote island seeks a way out.


This is one of my favourite films of all time! I'm a huge fan of Asian cinema and this one stands out as one of the best I've seen. I've watched it several times now and it never disappoints! It's beautifully filmed and I love how it all slowly builds up to the brutal end. I won't give anything away as I think it's better to watch it first time round without knowing what to expect. But to me, it's pure perfection!

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After self-absorbed Seoul bank worker Hae-won (Seong-won Ji) is ordered to take some time off work due to stress, she decides to visit the remote island of Moo-do, where she spent time as a child with her grandfather. There, she rekindles her friendship with her childhood friend Kim Bok-nam (Yeong-hie Seo), but discovers that the rest of the islanders treat the woman like a slave, abusing her mentally, physically and sexually. Hae-won's apathy regarding the situation ultimately leads to tragedy…Korean revenge drama Bedevilled requires much patience from the viewer, the story building steadily and slowly, the abuse and degradation Bok-nam endures, not just from her husband but also the other women on the island, very gradually pushing her closer and closer to the edge of sanity. It's not a question of whether she will crack, but when, so hang on in there: when she finally flips (after the death of her daughter at the hands of her husband), revenge has never been sweeter, Bok-nam going to town with a sharp farming implement, hacking and slashing her way through all those who have tormented her.Brooding direction from Cheol-soo Jang, marvellous performances all round, and stunning cinematography all go to make this a very satisfying experience, but best of all is the visceral violence that is dished out by the severely miffed Bok-nam to her deserving victims, all that practice with the sickle digging up potatoes not going to waste.

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I have seen "I saw the devil',"the flu"and the "terror live"and all these films seem to have in common that you make your mind up of were they are going and at a point they turn the whole thing upside down.And this one is, according to me, no different all though it feels some what smaller in scale but still gives you a punch to the stomach leaving you gasping for air.It starts out with the main character witnessing a crime but because she's afraid of repercussions she says she didn't see anything.Haunted by her own failure she gets tough against once of her female co workers and ends up hitting her so she has to take a leave of absence and decides to go on holiday on a small island were she grew up.When she gets to the island she sees the girl she grew up with who is very happy to see her while the other islanders don't seem to like her at all simply because things are still very old-fashioned on the island and women are still being treated like it was the in the middle ages and these mostly older women actually see this as a virtue.As happy as her old girlfriend acts she soon realizes that they treat her like a dog and that she's afraid to leave the island thinking he husband would find her any way and kill her and her little daughter.The abuse keeps building up and you know it's gonna have an outburst but that takes quiet a lot of time to get to that point and I can understand people might have a problem with this and think that its some what over done. But...stick with it cause when the turn around comes its like the scene of evil dead 2 were Ash comes out the fruit cellar and decides from that point on not to give an F no more.Also the double betrayal is important because for me it really changed who the main character is in this movie and that's the kind of plot twist you don't see that often in movies.These are really world movies and the kind every one should see at least once in their lifetime and I am surely glad I did.Next time some one says:I'm going south,I will think...yeah,Korean. Peace!

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Another revenge-thriller from the cinema industry that now has an unprecedented mastery at it, Bedevilled is the tale of two women who grew up on a desolate island as friends but separated when one of them moved to the city. The film primarily concerns Bok-nam; the one who stayed back & who faces abuse from her husband to everyone on a daily basis but still endures everything for her daughter, whom she cares about most. But when a deadly tragedy occurs, she lets out all her anger & frustration that has built over years of abuse to exact revenge on everyone in an extremely violent manner.For a debut effort, the director has done a fine job with more rights than wrong, the plot is a bit thin & progresses itself through shock value only which is present in abundance in the second half of the film, the technical crew also does its job pretty well but it's Seo Young-hee who impresses the most as Bok-nam. She puts up an absolute raw, maddening display of miserable life & yet makes the audience feel sympathetic towards her. Next best is Ji Sung-won as Hae-won, who returns to the island after many years without knowing what devilry awaits her.On an overall scale, Bedevilled may suffer from many flaws which are too hard to ignore & mostly relies on its disturbing or violent content to reach out to the fans of its genre but it also shows the beast within all of us that's feeding on anger & frustrations, is waiting to be let out & sometimes does in a way that's beyond our control. The film works as an unforgiving thriller to a considerable extent but in its third act turns into a nightmarish horror thanks to a woman gone crazy with a sickle in her hand. Watch it at your own risk.

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