Beach Blanket Bingo
Beach Blanket Bingo
NR | 14 April 1965 (USA)
Beach Blanket Bingo Trailers

In the fourth of the highly successful Frankie and Annette beach party movies, a motorcycle gang led by Eric Von Zipper kidnaps singing star Sugar Kane managed by Bullets, who hires sky-diving surfers Steve and Bonnie from Big Drop for a publicity stunt. With the usual gang of kids and a mermaid named Lorelei.

Chris Strutt

Beach Blanket Bingo is a great movie by all accounts.The beginning of the movie starts straight away.The plot kicks in right from the start, making the movie exciting from the off.As the film starts to get towards the middle part, the plot really begins to thicken.Between the start and middle of the film is arguably the best bit.As the title suggest it's definitely Beach Blanket Bingo rather than and the beach scenes are really funny by all accounts!Getting past the middle of the film, the excitement really begins to build.The suspense continues until the final few scenes, which are gripping to say the least.As the final few scenes take place you know that you have watched a movie and a half.The main male lead actor, and supporting actors, are very good unquestionably.The lead female actress is superb, and deserves an award.Definitely recommend getting on the gravy train and watching Beach Blanket Bingo!

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The gang at the beach led by Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello get themselves innocently involved in a publicity stunt staged by Paul Lynde. Lynde hires Deborah Walley who is a professional skydiver to fall from the air and then has his client, singer Linda Evans in the same outfit be rescued by one of the beach kids. Which of course turns out to be Avalon. The budding relationship between Evans and Avalon of course arouses the jealousy in Annette. Their pal Jody McCrea who plays Deadhead and as you can imagine not the sharpest knife in the drawer or riding the waves gets a romance with Mermaid Marta Kristen in this one.Beach Blanket Bingo is not all that bad. Frankie Avalon was a teen idol who could actually sing as his career which is still going shows. The songs aren't bad for the type usually featured in these films.But what makes Beach Blanket Bingo a treat is seeing such fine performers as Paul Lynde, Buster Keaton, Timothy Carey, and most of all Harvey Lembeck in his usual role of Erich Von Zipper leader of the most inept motorcycle gang around until John Quade took that title in Every Which Way But Loose. When Lembeck decides that Evans ought to be the gang pinup girl it's the beach kids versus the motorcycle crew.And Frankie and Annette make a lovely couple once again.

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I've hesitated to make any comments about this one of the beach movies. It's like commenting on Citizen Kane or 2001 - too daunting. First of all, along with the COMPLETELY regular cast, it's one of the ones with Don Rickles. People have said that he just doesn't come across well in anything that's SCRIPTED for him, but that's far from completely true. Just watch for the little moment with him, after Frankie does his skydiving - it's a "classic" Don Rickles moment. And Paul Lynde could always be funny, with or without a script (most recently, fans of Roger the alien on "American Dad" are interested in him). One of his best lines is when Earl Wilson - who looks like the most straight-laced person in the world - wants to visit the surfers' hangout a second time. Lynde says, "Which girl is it, Earl?" And then there are Jody MacCrea (sp.) and Marta Kristen in the "Lorelei" subplot. Anyone who's seen brooding movies like "Night Tide" might like this mainly COMICAL mermaid story (not that it's the first or last one, of course). And of course, Timothy Carey as South Dakota Slim, who steals Sugar Kane from Erich Von Zipper, after Von Zipper went to the trouble of kidnapping her himself! Anyway, these are just SOME of the things going for it. The only thing missing from this beach movie is the cameo - I've always wondered why that is.

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I hadn't seen this movie since I was a kid. I always sort of preferred a picture that preceded this one in the series with Bob Cummings as, I think, a Sociologist studying surfers in their natural habitat. Anyway, I recently ran into this one on cable. Fairly early on Eric Von Zipper and The Rats do their number (I don't recall the title) in which - not once, but twice - Von Zipper's lyric says "I am my ideal!" (This develops in the scene that follows into the running gag (or is it a leitmotif?) of Von Zipper calling Kandy Kane his 'idol' - referenced in earlier comments.) Then, in the very next scene, as Von Zipper and the Rats enter the nightclub, he says "Stand aside everyone, I take large steps!" My jaw dropped a bit. Both of these are direct quotes from A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM, which had opened a little over a year earlier on Broadway! Late in Act One Miles Gloriosus, a Roman Soldier (Ron Holgate) announces his entrance by shouting, from offstage: "Stand aside everyone, I take large steps!", which cues the music for his song, which includes the lyric "I am my ideal!" Is William Asher paying homage to Sondheim and Burt Shevelove (who wrote the book for FORUM)? Is it an inside joke? Or is it just plain old-fashioned plagiarism? Anyone?Another interesting (to me, at least) question: Is this where William Asher first saw/met Paul Lynde? Were the seeds for Uncle Arthur (Who would appear a couple of years later on BEWITCHED) planted in the sand of BEACH BLANKET BINGO??

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