Be with Me
Be with Me
| 12 October 2005 (USA)
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Three tales of love wrap around the true story of a blind and deaf woman named Theresa Chan. In the first an elderly shopkeeper is devoted to his sick wife. In the second, two teenage girls become soul mates and lovers. In the third a chubby security guard tries to find the courage to woo a beautiful woman who works in his building.


I had heard mixed things about "Be With Me"...The critics, with whom I never agree, loved the film....Several of my friends, whose opinions I value, called it "pretentious".I usually HATE movies like "Be With Me"....I hate pretentious movies, I hate slow movies, and I REALLY HATE movies with very little dialogue....Well, "Be With Me" is slightly pretentious, very slow and has very little dialogue. It's not perfect and for the first fifteen minutes I was wondering exactly where the director was going....But it all comes together, and it ends up being a very sad, very inspiring, very relateable movie! I'd never heard of Theresa Chan, an amazing Singaporean woman who after being becoming deaf and blind at age 14, managed to learn English, write a series of books, travel the world and do a lot of volunteer/charity work....and now star in a movie! Her story really makes you want to do something with your life. Obviously, it's hard to make an "exciting" movie about a woman who obviously has a great deal of trouble speaking, but her story was very interesting (and is mostly told in subtitles)....She's definitely a woman who puts the rest of us to shame.As a side-note, I would like to note that in my home country, the USA, there is a sizable minority of immigrants who live there for twenty years, and still cannot speak any English. In the country where I now live (Thailand), the majority of foreign residents (including many Americans) do not make any effort to learn Thai. And yet this amazing deaf and blind woman (raised speaking only Cantonese) can learn to speak and write English, and write several books in the language!!!! People should be ashamed at their laziness! The other three stories in the movie are more "arty" but all of them are handled fairly well. As much as we probably don't want to admit it, the vast majority of humankind can probably relate to the three stories of more traditional loneliness in the film....After losing his wife, a man loses the will to live.....A girl is spurned by her new "crush" for no apparent reason....Even the slow, fat man with a heart of gold was sympathetic....And as this IS a Southeast Asian movie, there's even a ghost!! Anyway, this was a flawed film (too many closeup shots of people eating...), but definitely a surprisingly good one. 7.5/10

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A very inspiring Singapore film "Be with Me" poetically explores the human desire of longing for love. The pictures shows a elder shopkeeper moans his passing wife, a fat awkward guy secretly admires a girl, and two high school girls madly fall in love, then maybe not. Through these three groups of seemingly unrelated people from different walk of lives, the picture shows us how universal and powerful the longing for love really is. Then the film cuts into its "documentary" element about Theresa Chan, whose real life autobiography is the inspiration of this film. Theresa Chan became deaf and blind since the age of fourteen. In the film, Theresa Chan (who plays herself) makes her life joyful and makes an incredible impact of the lives of others, and eventually connected those three group people blended in the movie. The cinematography of this film is simply amazing. It's the quiet type of film, out of ninety-three minutes, the film only has a two and a half minute dialogue. But strangely, it's not a depressing film. When the movie is over, you feel inspired by Theresa Chan.When the credits roll, the casts are listed under three categories: "Mean to be," "Looking for love," and "So in love." I can't help but fitting myself in one of those categories. I found out that I can't be put into any one single category exclusively. Is that the message this film is trying to let me to take home with? We are all in this game longing for love, no matter who you are.

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I literally ran to watch it, expecting a film that will make me cry, or touch my heart.What I found was not heart-rending, but a lame exploitation of 1 strong human character.Interwined between a pair of young lesbians and an obese man.In a setting that is substantially devoid of sound not to mention acting of the most common.It was not entirely BAD, as I have seen worst - and I left the cinema $10 poorer but wiser - that a FILM well advertised is not the same as a FILM WELL-MADE.

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La femme Nikita

This movie is made up of 3 interwoven vignettes of people searching for love and connection. The setting is Singapore. The first is about a 61 year old woman named Theresa Chan who unexpectedly finds love when circumstances bring into her life a widower (played by Chiew Sung Ching) who struggles to let go of grief. Theresa Chan is played by herself as this story is partly based on her true life story. She lost her sight and hearing at the age of 14 from illness. She reminds me of Helen Keller. She is spunky and lives her life with more gusto than a lot of us seeing and hearing folks do. i was very moved by her segment. The 2nd tale is about a security guard ( Seet Keng Yew) who is very infatuated with a young, pretty executive (Lynn Poh) who works in the same office building. This sweet soul reminded me a little of Quasimodo, whose Esmeralda is oblivious to his existence. The last tells the tale of 2 teenage school girls who strike up a friendship while chatting on the internet. They meet and fall in love. Soon Sam (Samantha Tan) decides to callously drop Jackie (Ezann Lee), but Jackie cannot let go.This is a lovely, poignant piece. If you have loved, or loved and lost, or experienced the pain of unrequited love or been jilted, something will resonate with you, even if you can't quite follow all the dialog. Just allow your heart to feel.When the credits suddenly rolled and the film came to an unexpected end, i thought,"Wait, stop, i need a moment here. Can i please have a moment? My tears have not dried."

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