Bath Salt Zombies
Bath Salt Zombies
R | 19 February 2013 (USA)
Bath Salt Zombies Trailers

In a punk-rock homage to "Reefer Madness," two plot threads intertwine: a hapless junkie falls victim to "Bath Salts" addiction, while a police detective attempts to uncover and stamp out a new strain of designer drug products.

Michael Ledo

This film is not about zombies in the traditional sense. An illegal drug called bath salts is making its users become violent and rip people's faces off. Done to a punk rock sound track, the film is more about the music than the production. Bad acting and dialogue. The opening is animation, and not very good animation. A short 70 minute film for people who are stoned. Good nudity.Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Erin R. Ryan, Bella Demente FF)

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There's many ups and downs in bath salt zombies, at times it's pretty impressive what they've done with this no budget flick, while in other instances it's pretty apparent that they're filling time until the good stuff can happen again. Judging it as a no budget movie I've certainly seen worse, hell the last half hour is quite good and makes you wonder why the same care and attention wasn't used in the slower moments. Also the sound editing is a huge issue as it's almost non existent. Blaringly loud one minute to super quiet within the same scene. Overall if nothing else this is a good starting point to all those involved, they're definitely on their way up! If they improve on what's here their follow up projects will be worth viewing. It's just too bad they've already burned through this great concept. These are the kinds of remakes that need to happen.

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How in the world am I gonna pull 10 lines out for this review? Probably the same question the writer & director said when they got a hold of a camera & had to come up with real lines & a script. All I can think of is, Well when you give an 8th grader a movie camera & ask them to go out & make a movie, this is what happens, Actually these kids today are pretty slick & would probably have done a better job all the way around. I'll go ahead & do this review simply because I wouldn't want anyone to endure the 70min of mind waste this movie provided. I kept thinking the whole time.... If Zombies were real.. This is what kind of movie they would make. And how in the word did it get a 3.1 rating? I would have a hard time giving it a 0.1. This is one movie that won't be making it into my Z collection,

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**ONE OR TWO POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD**This is the first Dustin Mills movie I've seen so far, I have heard many good things about his other films such as Puppet Monster Massacre and Easter Casket so I really hope Bath Salt Zombies is not up there with his more acclaimed output because, despite the fact that I somewhat enjoyed this movie, I still found it to be lacking in several places.First things first, let's start off with the good. The set pieces looked fantastic and the movie is extremely well-shot for such a low-budget. Some of the gore effects are decent if ultimately unsatisfying, but unfortunately most of them are below par (more on that later). There are two scenes of nudity for T&A fans, one of which shows pretty much everything, and both go on for quite a long time. The cartoon segments are cool, and the puppetry is well done (the best scene in the movie involves a dog mutated by chemicals).Now for the bad. For one, the plot is bare bones, what you read in the IMDb summary is as deep as it goes. The sound is all over the place, whenever people are talking the volume could be quiet as a mouse one second and blaring the next. There really isn't that much gore and, while a few effects look decent enough, a majority of what is there is really nothing to write home about and looks rather poor (any blood splatter from gunshot wounds is just red fog imposed on to the screen with CGI). The make-up for the titular Bath Salt Zombies is rather laughable. And, to top it all off, we get a stupid and frustrating non-ending.Despite these flaws, I did find the movie to be moderately entertaining in places. But unfortunately, the bad outweighs the good. I will still be checking out Dustin Mill's other films eventually, I do like his style, so hopefully he is capable of impressing me.

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