Bachelor Party 2 : The Last Temptation
Bachelor Party 2 : The Last Temptation
R | 11 March 2008 (USA)
Bachelor Party 2 : The Last Temptation Trailers

Ron and Melinda may be happily engaged, but Melinda's scheming brother-in-law Todd doesn't like the thought of a new addition to the family business, so he plans to incriminate Ron at the ultimate bachelor bash in Miami Beach. Between Ron's party-hearty friends and Todd's tantalizing temptations, not to mention a sex addicts convention right in their hotel, it's an outrageously sinful celebration that you have to see to believe!


Bachelor Party 2 has some major problems that prevent it from coming even three states close to the supremely funny 1984 classic. Let's start with the first problem: TIME! You don't wait 24 years, and say "Hey! I was thinking about writing a sequel to that real funny movie starring Tom Hanks." There, my friends and foes, is the next problem: The writer. Unlike the original Bacherlor Party, this movie is written by Neal Isreal, whereas Bachelor Party was written by Bob Isreal. Guess we know who the funny man is! Sorry, Neal, not saying you're not talented,'re not talented enough to be sharing titles like this. I would honestly have more respect for this film if it wasn't associated with Bachelor Party. There is our next problem: How does a film like this even compare to our beloved comedy classic? It obviously doesn't have the 80's atmosphere, simply because it wasn't made in the 80's. Bachelor Party had very bright, colorful, and fun themes...laced with just the right amount of profanity to keep it fresh in your memories for years to come. Bachelor Party 2 is just the opposite. It has dark tone to it, and there's not one scene worth remembering, making this a failed attempt to revamp "something that wasn't broken." Bachelor Party was fine the way it was, it didn't need a sequel then, and it sure didn't need it now. And, despite its very R rated genre, Bachelor Party had heart to it. A great guy getting married, and he was resisting temptation that lurked around every corner. Bachelor Party 2 has no great guys. It has no great story line. In fact, the plot is paper thin and absurd. A man is getting married to a woman, and his friends throw him a bachelor party, where he will be forced to give in or resist temptation. That's it? Yes, that's it, the rest of the film just revolves around sub plots that go nowhere, not to mention any excuse to get a woman fully or partially unclothed. The laughs are almost non existent. While the story line may not be all that great, the film isn't a total bust, because the dialog is actually not bad...too bad that blood, sweat, and tears couldn't be channeled into creating a better script. I wish I had more good things to say about this, but there is nothing but filler in this movie. The goods are on the original Bachelor Party. Check that one out if you want a great comedy. Bachlor Party 2 has half the confetti, half the laughs, and a whole lot of nothing to keep any party of any kind entertained. Thumbs down, should have known better.

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Recap: Ron is about to marry Mel. They are deeply and love and certain they are perfect for each other even though they met just a few months ago. Todd, Ron's brother in law to be is not so happy. He is afraid the marriage is a threat to his cushy job in the family business and decides to arrange Ron's bachelor party. But his real plan is to put Ron in a compromising situation, get evidence and break Ron and Mel up.Comments: Supposed to be a sequel to a comedy classic but it isn't funny at all. It is mostly a pubertal show and a juvenile excuse to show scantily clad women. Actually, in a way, it is almost impressive have many you can put in there, because they are everywhere. Unfortunately that is also one of the signs of a movie that can't support itself. It simply isn't good enough.It has three redeeming points though, or actually three actors that is worth a better script than this. It is lead actor Josh Cooke who actually manages to give an impression of some common sense. Sara Foster I know has more talent than to do movies like this, and Emanuelle Vaugier seem to have a lot more talent than this movie.What is suspiciously absent are good jokes. Actually, bad jokes are rather scarce too. It just isn't funny.3/10

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. . . but not everyone can be Tom Hanks, title character of 1984's original Bachelor Party. Josh Cooke as the remakes' groom-to-be is pretty much the straight man to everyone else appearing in this farce. However, this is a movie that could have been better had it not chosen to straddle the fence between gross-out comedy (e.g.--its unforgettable poopy diaper splattered on a bowling ball) and erotic comedy (e.g.--two horny guys unknowingly crashing a women's meeting of the Sex Addicts Anonymous group). The DVD has many deleted scenes and extended gags, several of which are as funny as anything in the feature. Too bad the baby potty wasn't confined there.

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Bastiaan Rook

I thought when i bought this ex-rental DVD, this gonna be a crappy movie, but still enjoyable, and for 3 euros. But when I put it in and was watching it, I really liked it. It was funny, characters where funny. I won't win any prices but an entertaining movie for a night with your friends. But the point people give that movie only is made so they could put nudity in it, is kinda lame. It's also in the 80's one (the nudity). It is part of those kind of movies. Where the nudity is totally useless are in the movies from the makers of epic movie, etc. they put a naked girl in a scene which got not any purpose.If you like these genre movies, this is a must-have (but only if it cost a few bucks)

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