| 08 July 2008 (USA)
B.T.K. Trailers

A story based on real-life serial killer Dennis L. Rader, who systematically tortured and killed his victims for over two decades and evaded the police for over 30 years, all while leading a seemingly normal life as a husband, father, security officer and church president.


As many reviewers here have noted, the events in this film are substantially different from Dennis Rader's BTK crimes. It's poorly acted and just plain gruesome. But I do think I understand what this production was attempting to do.This film picks up in 2004 when the BTK crimes had become a cold case to the police, who are surprised to start getting letters from BTK again. We enter the deranged mind of Dennis Rader as he sleeps -- and DREAMS -- about the other crimes he has been considering committing, and how it might play out if he were caught. Yes, folks, this whole thing is a BTK dream (but the audience's nightmare). Rader admitted freely that he had been stalking and planning other murders when he was finally arrested in 2005, and several of the women he harasses/kills in this film fit the known details of his intended targets. In reality, a couple of women had restraining orders on him and one even moved away because of his harassment -- and two of the women he stalks in this film are clearly based on them.At first, while watching this, I didn't understand why they would include so much factual information (actual poetry and drawings) but then depict murders that never happened. But the similarity to his intended future victims is what made me see what they were up to: the cliché old dream sequence technique.However, even understanding that doesn't redeem this voyeuristic and gratuitously violent film. The lead actor physically resembles Rader in many ways and does his best to appear menacing. The women mostly overact (his wife "Susan" and one of the daughters, for example) or underact (the other daughter).Wish I had never watched this. Made me feel like I had been dragged through scum and needed to take a shower.

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Jennifer Zac

Having grown up in Kansas, living in Wichita for the years preceding BTK's final capture, I am fairly aware of the true story. The true story is horrific and gruesome, this was pretty lame. Not as dramatic, and the murders were in the wrong time frame, done incorrectly, with different types of victims. It was just weird to name it BTK. It had so little resemblance to the actual story. The guy who played BTK was fairly decent, but his physical appearance, body language and voice were all way off the actual person.I ended up having to stop it before the end because it was putting me to sleep and annoying me.

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Kane Hodder, what e really nice person he is. I have met him in the flesh and he agreed to stand together with me on a picture. That picture is now here hanging on the walls. I will meet him again in October 2010 on another convention. What a movie list he has, being all kind of weirdo's. Here he's in the movie made by Michael Feifer. A director who is obsessed with making movies about serial killers. Kane gives a great performance but as with so many flicks about serial killers they are a let down. So far they are almost based on the person but don't reflect his life. I can only say that To Catch A Killer (oop in all ways) is so far the only flick that keeps up with the facts. Maybe Zodiac too but hey, I'm loosing track now myself. This movie is more into the mind of the killer and his family than about the victims. No dates are given, no nothing so I can say that it could be any killer in particular. Okay, they uses his name and the fact about the church and Park City is true...The good thing is that when something is happening it is gory. But you will have to wait 35 minutes before that and than another 30 minutes. Sad but true. A bit weak but Kane keeps the movie together. And don't get me wrong, you don't have to make it explicit because it all happened and we have to think to the survivors or families involved but again, no info is given about BTK at the end of the movie. The man said it himself, nobody is talking me, nobody notice BTK and that's why I could kill for 30 years. So I can state, ,that's why nobody will notice this movie...

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Okay first up, I have never heard of the "BTK Killer" or "BTK films". Must be some sort of American folklore serial killer thing, that I haven't heard of since I'm not American. So my judging of this film is based on THE FILM rather than certain people's expectations of what the film should be.It's an okay movie. It's one of those (rent) and 'watch it once on DVD late at night when there's nothing else to do'. It's NOT a movie you'll want to watch again and again... like an action blockbuster, because there's not a whole lot that's fun or interesting about it.BTK, THE MOVIE... is about a serial killer. He ties women up, and generally chokes them to death. Sometimes he uses a gun. There's basically nothing here you haven't already seen in any other serial killer movie, like Ed Gein, Copycat, Henry, etc. In this sense it's fairly straightforward and predictable.The pace is slow and remains slow the entire duration, but considering this is a low budget straight to DVD exploitation film, the acting is actually surprisingly good from an ensemble of no-name actors, and the star attraction is seeing Kane Hodder as Dennis, burns and all, in a role that's not under a white hockey mask.I could go on a bit more about the good points and the bad points, but ultimately it's a case of you get what you pay for. This is a cheap, rent and watch once serial killer movie, with Kane Hodder. It's no movie of the week, no blockbuster, and really the only reason to watch it at all... is if you are a Kane Hodder fan.

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