Automaton Transfusion
Automaton Transfusion
NR | 19 May 2008 (USA)
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Three teens find themselves in a town over run with zombies. Deciding to fight back, they go on a punch you in the throat, action packed, non stop ride through the city, woods, and schools.

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Attempting to live their lives in Southern Florida, a group of teens finds their town has been overrun by ravenous, voracious zombies created through a government experiment and tries to save their loved ones from succumbing to the creatures.Overall this one wasn't all that bad and had some rather decent moments about it. One of the film's big positives here is the rather strong story here that offers up a rather distinct and unique approach to the genre in that there's such little downtime here that it never really slows down all that often. While it does make a minimal effort at the beginning to introduce the gang as they begin their set-up for the party while still at school, this is all supplemented by the creatures beginning to make their way through the town and taking out a few victims which sets the stage for the film's main series of ambushes here with this one basically becoming one long battle scene afterward. This here really whips up quite a large amount of confrontations here as part of the battle scenes, with absolutely chaotic scenes of the zombies chasing after them down city streets and into a bar, down into the woods and streams of the area, into a house party on the edge of town and finally into their high school where each one of these areas comes complete with plenty of stylish and thrilling confrontations that makes this fun. This near-continuous assault of action in here makes this a wholly enjoyable and impressive effort by eliminating the drag and replacing it with non-stop action here as this one augments that fine action with the absolutely impeccable concept of the running zombies idea by overloading them in here to the point of overkill, featuring hundreds of zombies in many of the scenes that truly makes their plight look all the more hopeless. The savagery of their attacks makes for quite a fun time here spilling out gallons of gore from the numerous kills here as the bodily dismemberment gets quite frequently employed here, and it really makes for a great time here with these numerous positives. There's a few small problems here, one of which is the fact that this one is so quick as to be almost frustratingly short and incomplete, as if there are a few scenes missing along the way as it hurtles along towards it's ending. This is certainly a film where a little extra scenes put in might've helped it out somewhat as this one just tends to end rather quickly, purposefully setting up a sequel that hasn't happened yet. Of course, one easy fix to this actually could've come from the film itself, as the attack scenes here are so chaotic and haphazardly shot that there's nothing at all possible to gleam from such action other than the bare minimum. All it showcases are hundreds-of-zombies-running-after-the-heroes or zombies-being-put-down but that's just about it, leaving everything to disorganized and frantic that it could've been a little easy-going with the editing and shooting to let the attacks get some space to breathe as some of these scenes really should've been able to be watchable at some point. While it does get a little too aware of its low-budget nature at times, this is still enjoyable enough at times.Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Language, Extreme Graphic Violence and Brief Nudity.

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Peter Kets

Literally it's the worst zombie movie ever!Makes absolutely no sense!Forget what you knew about zombies. This is something entirely new in the worst possible way.It's a challenge to see this film.It's boring despite the directors trying to make it action packed.In fact that's what this movie is!It's not horror in any way.So many jump scares in the first 5 minutes that make the viewer expect it at all times.After a while you get so used to it that you can successfully guess when the next jump scare will be.Waste no time.Almost every other movie is better than this one.Worst scene of the movie:a blooded student that comes running out of class gets a punch in the face(we don't see if he dies) and everyone ignores him like it's the most common thing to happen in their everyday life.

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Considering this movie was made on extremely tight budget and it gave me the impression of a mainstream type of horror flick, I must say, all things considered it's a masterpiece. Story might be shallow (but it's a Zombie movie people!), characters might be weak and the acting might be mediocre (with the exception of William Howard Bowman who was solid and very likable), but the visual presentation and the final product is worthy of a theatrical release. I still cannot believe the budget was $30,000! For those of you who are waiting for the World War of Z, or another mainstream Zombie movie, this is the thing to watch in order to fill the gap. I rate it - 9/10. Definitely for your DVD collection.

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I was expecting this film to be extremely cringe worthy, but I held out until the end and for some reason, even the crappy video quality didn't make me turn it off. Sure most of the actors were bad, but you could tell most of them had probably never acted before, or have had little experience. But for that, I still thought they were okay, there were enough 'good' actors to carry the bad ones through the film. I didn't watch this movie expecting Dawn of the Dead, or 28 days later, this is a seriously low budget flick with great special effects which deserves some love, even for that (Avatar anyone?). I'm sure if the director had more money to play with, and some decent writers, it would have been even more kick-ass. I also thought it was clever where they ended the film... I mean, I don't really care if the two protagonists survived or not, but they finished off before the screaming and the crying and the blood got too much. Well at least for me anyway. There's only so much screaming I can take before my brain shuts off.Overall, we've seen it all before, though, but hey... There can never be enough zombie movies. Or at least don't let the creators of Twilight make a joke out of them as well...

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