R | 06 April 2012 (USA)
ATM Trailers

After leaving their company Christmas Party together, David Hargrove and Emily Brandt’s impromptu first date takes an unexpected turn when their coworker, Corey, asks them to make a late-night stop at an ATM. What should be a routine transaction turns into a desperate struggle for survival when an unknown man appears outside the vestibule.

Lauren Safford

This movie has probably one of the worst endings I have ever seen to a horror film. What happened to the guy that was arrested in the end, did he go down, did they catch the real killer? The movie never answered any of that. Why we never saw the killer's face? I have never seen a more incomplete ending to a horror film. It kills the movie, and also no reasons for the credits to be so long, I thought they were going to use that time to fully complete the ending. Anyway, beside the ending, it was a decent film. Would have been better if they had found better actors though.

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I was thoroughly disappointed by this movie. I had moderate expectations due to a mediocre trailer, but the bad acting and plot holes left a lot to be desired. The female character displayed the characteristic features of a desperate and useless typical lead role, i.e. whiny bitch. There was no explanation, we were constantly wondering why any of this was happening. There was only one room used, I wanted to see some variation in scenery. And as usual, the only black guy in the movie died... This movie is bad Really bad Do not recommend I would give a score lower than 1 but that is not allowed Thanks for reading #sophfleurtomsubscribe to my review channel. Daily reviews posted. peace out IMDb #lollllllll

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To be fair, I saw this after a season of Hannibal, so "ATM" was up against some fairly stiff competition, which it met flaccidly, at best.I've seen that this was apparently made on a $3m budget (and it shows), so perhaps my criticism should take that into account. Nonetheless, I kept thinking this film was a comedy-satire and waiting for the signs of that genre, to no avail.The plot is simplistic bordering on simple-minded, with any semblance of suspense barely managing to limp along in the background. Guys, it's possible to squeeze cheap thrills out of a shoe-string budget, as the Halloween and Friday the 13th franchises have shown. The dialogue is so poor that at several points I had the impression the actors (I use the term loosely) were ad-libbing, and the characters they portray are correspondingly flat, unsympathetic and forgettable, such that you find yourself hoping that the bad guy hurries up and dispatches them all with his crowbar, to put the viewers out of their misery.The cinematography is minimalist. At least, I assume that was the desired effect. It actually just looks amateurish and static, as though the camera crew is frozen to the spot by the same sub-zero temperatures they contrive to have us believe the characters are suffering.Perhaps if the producers understood suspension of disbelief as a courtesy the viewer extends to them, and not as an infinitely exploitable resource that compensates for an offering that can only be described as anemic, then I'd be inclined to be more lenient. As it stands, "ATM" is trite, poorly done by everyone, and ultimately either disappointing or insulting, depending on how low your standards are.

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I went into this movie with an open mind. After all, the premise seemed so delightfully old-school, and as a fan of the old slashers, I was just glad to get a break from all of the possession movies (not that all of them are bad).Wow. I'm not even entirely sure where they were trying to go with this. I would love to give some sort of a small plot summary, but it's difficult to do so when it's this convoluted, slow-paced, and dull. I really did try to find some excuse to like this movie, but it wouldn't let me.There are plenty of reviews here that can give you 1,000 reasons not to watch ATM, but I'm here to tell the people like me who love the old masked slashers and are hoping to find some glimmer of suspense or character development, don't. They would have been better off going over the top and trying to make this movie campy, but they didn't do that either. They just left us sitting in an ATM with a couple of people that have zero chemistry with each other, waiting for the credits to start rolling. Don't worry, if you find yourself halfway through it and you think to yourself, "I guess I'll just see how it ends. I can make it another 45 minutes." Please just save yourself some trouble and read the synopsis. The ending will only lead to frustration, confusion, and disappointment.

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