Atlas Shrugged: Part III
Atlas Shrugged: Part III
PG-13 | 12 September 2014 (USA)
Atlas Shrugged: Part III Trailers

Approaching collapse, the nation's economy is quickly eroding. As crime and fear take over the countryside, the government continues to exert its brutal force against the nation's most productive who are mysteriously vanishing - leaving behind a wake of despair. One man has the answer. One woman stands in his way. Some will stop at nothing to control him. Others will stop at nothing to save him. He swore by his life. They swore to find him.


I grew up a minor fan of Ayn Rand. I loved Anthem and enjoyed reading Atlas Shrugged as a youth. Based on this, I went into viewing this hopeful and excited to see if they could translate the movie to current societal and economic realities. What a letdown. This series was dismal. There is not way to call this a success unless you force yourself to like it because it is associated to Rand's ideology. I will not go into depth in this review. This movie does not deserve it. Here is a quick synopsis of some of the sillier moments: 1) Dagny and Hank travel to Wisconsin to find an engine that runs on Ozone (no idea how Hank got the plans for the engine or why he thought it would still be in a long shut down factory). They scenery choice the director chose for this trip is the famous deserts of Wisconsin? Of course, the engine (that Galt is extremely protective of) is hanging out in a hidden back room. Ugh 2) I laughed out loud in several places despite comedy not being the aim. At the end a security guard, at gun point, refuses to move from the door (and is shot) because he says, "I am not supposed to make decisions for myself". Dagny screaming when the coal fields were on fire also elicited chuckles. The dialog is mind numbingly silly. 3) The movie is made up of the following scenes over and over: Limos driving through slums, Railroads and fat cats drinking in what looks like a hotel bar. In the end, this series clearly ended up as a propaganda piece. I have no problem with ideological movies presenting a message. Typically, those kind of movies incorporate the ideology into the movie. This one patches a movie around an ideology. Poorly. Steer clear or acknowledge you were warned.

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I can kind of see where people critical of the movie are coming from but their complaints are very exaggerated. This is a philosophy movie, not a thriller. And its philosophy indicts so many people in one of two classes: Those that have been directed into a dependent state by society, and those that exploit those that have been directed there.The message is what is important and the vehicle that carries it is good enough in Atlas Shrugged 3. I've seen the critics forgive far worse-time and time again. I've all but given up watching movies they say are "good" only to be disgusted yet again by two certified morons in yet another unneeded sex scene to take them seriously. And even Gone with the Wind was the nemesis of the critics when it came out. Fact.People need to learn that the water of capitalism merely carries the addictive poison of statism, and that the cure is not to add more poison and then continue blame drinking water for making them sick. I'd be happy to see it done better but for some reason I don't anticipate many critics with government funded liberal arts educations would feel good about such a message.

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This is one of the WORST movies I have ever seen as to the performance of the actors and actresses. I have been a fan of Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged for over fifty years. This movie is ONLY for fans of Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged. As movies go, it is my opinion it is a total failure.There was not one scene or one performance by an actor or actress that was worth watching. I think Ayn Rand would totally disown this total failure of any form of entertainment. I found it painful to watch all parts of this movie. It would have been better if this movie had never been made. Unfortunately, far too many will form totally wrong opinions of the novel ATLAS SHRUGGED and Ayn Rand and her philosophy of Objectivism.Atlas Shrugged: Part I (2011) and Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike (2012) are great. Maybe not as great as they could have been if well know stars could have been in the movies.The Passion of Ayn Rand (1999) (TV Movie) is a terrific movie.

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Lets see, we a have a "motor" that takes electricity from the air and produces enough electricity to run the west coast. All from a metal box the size of a farmers outhouse. With no less than a secret saying boldly lettered above the door to open the door. Next, we have the secretive, and highly prized Project F. This little gem of an interlude is a smaller metal box with lots of pretty blue, green and red LED's plastered all over it. This Project F will extract information from any poor SOB connected to it via cheap looking jumper cables. Poor hero John Galt is hooked up to this thing to get him to change his mind about being a true blue Capitalists and spill the beans on the whereabouts of the other true blues. So, no doubt, using Galts own "motor" electricity he is switched on and starts to hum and smoke. Wow! Project F turns out to be nothing more than an extension cord plugged into a 110 AC electrical outlet. Anyway, Project F is a government job and no doubt headed up by the Pentagon. This movie would have been perfect as another Austin Powers comedy.

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